Cessationist (2023)


Cessationist Storyline

From the creators of Calvinist, Spirit and Truth, and Logic on FIre, comes a theological documentary like no other. On any given week, countless Christians gather and participate in strange practices they believe are true expressions of the power of God. From speaking in tongues to attempting to raise the dead, Charismatic and Pentecostal Christians believe they are participating in modern miracles. Are these miracles real? Are the Apostolic sign gifts in operation today? Cessationist carefully answers this important question by exposing the errors of modern Charismatic teaching and builds a positive case for the true work of the Holy Spirit today. The real gift of the Spirit is far more necessary and powerful than many imagine.—Les Lanphere

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Cessationist Subtitles Download

Englishsubtitle Cessationist.2023.WEB.H264-RBB
Englishsubtitle Cessationist.2023.WEB.H264-RBB
Spanishsubtitle Cessationist.2023.WEB.H264-RBB

Cessationist Movie Reviews

Just an attack against beliefs they don’t have.

Someone has an agenda. I have not, nor ever will be part of the charismatic movement but never would I attack them the way this movie does. From a Christian standpoint a) they take biblical references out of context. Matthew was very much talking to a certain group of people at that time, Paul spoke those words but in context that looks much different than what is depicted here and easily seen by my 14 year old when we took the movie scriptural clips and read the whole context. Why would we as Christians support attacking vs teaching, leading to Christ and honoring/respecting his chosen?

People are free to believe all this. I’m not saying they can’t. But when you provide information like this, against a group of believing Christians, and then take things out of context it’s hard not to see the irony in what you are doing vs what is truth.

Watch the movie, go read the context of the scripture they are giving. Also note they reference things “not happening” but don’t take into account this isn’t the main theme of the Bible, there are a LOT of things not placed in there due to the irrelevance to the main subject/theme of the Bible. Jesus didn’t heal everyone that came to him and not all that were healed were documented. That goes for all the things the apostles and beyond did. Not all was documented there either. Not relevant for salvation and eternal life. So to take that and dramatically use it to prove some point is making up stuff to prove things God doesn’t even deem important to scripture.

What if these same people spent time going out and spending time with these pastors and people that they feel are being misled and just taught them the word and left all this out? Guarantee they could spend years without even getting to this subject and teach them how to respect the gifts and beyond.

A Mixed Bag

Rightly condemns false teachers, faith healers and the like. Heretics like Kenneth Copeland, Hinn, Bakker and so on.

But strings clips of godly men who are open to gifts like Sam Storms, Carson, John Piper, and others along with them but ate not faith healers or false teachers. It is a manipulative tactic to make these men look guilty by association. This documentary was not done in good faith toward other faithful men. Yes please condemn faith healers but don’t smear godly men in your own camp (reformed). I am shocked that this exists. There is no hoping snd believing all things here.

They also constantly change arguments, show partial verse quotes, and ignore key texts. Make arguments from theoretical implications of texts, and experience.

Very disappointed with this documentary.

Train Wreck Coming…

This movie is going to be a total train wreck. I watched the trailer, thinking it was exposing the fallacies of cessationism. Boy was I wrong. I grew up in a cessationist church and learned all their objections to miracles/supernatural. I came to believe otherwise, because I BELIEVED THE BIBLE for what it said. Cessationists have to scrub away and suppress promise after promise and command after command of the New Testament to hold to what boils down to merely codified doubt and unbelief. Jesus meant it when He said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe (obey/do) ALL THINGS that I have commanded you (the disciples He was speaking to)…” Think about ALL the things that Jesus taught the disciples to believe and TO DO — healing the sick, casting out demons, raising the dead were among these. Then, before His ascension (and before Pentecost), He tells them to teach the nations obey and TO DO the same things they had just done in the last 3 years of ministry with Him. After 20 years of studying the Bible (since I was 5 years old when I repented and accepted Christ), I just couldn’t handle how many passages of Scripture were conveniently “explained away” by the pastors and Bible teachers I sat under. That was over 20 years ago now. I’ve learned too much of the Bible to believe otherwise, and I’m not looking back. Cessationism is not about being more “Biblical”, it’s about safe-guarding traditionalism, naturalism, rationalism and unbelief (by handpicking verses that fit this ideology) to make Christianity more “reasonable” to the world and to make ourselves feel better about living powerless Christian lives. But I found that it is merely a ” form of godliness, but denying the power thereof.” (2 Tim. 3:5). He goes on to warn, ” …from such turn away.”