Bound by Blackmail (2022)


Bound by Blackmail Storyline

Introduced to a self-improvement program called Initiative by an old friend, a woman finds that Initiative is littered with terrifying secrets that keep its all-female members trapped with no escape. She must investigate Initiative and bring it down before they can fatally stop her.

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Bound by Blackmail Movie Reviews

Better than anticipated…

When I stumbled upon the 2022 thriller “Bound by Blackmail”, I have to admit that I was expecting it to be another one of those a-dime-a-dozen type of thrillers made for TV. But still, since I had never seen or heard about the movie, of course I opted to give it a go.

And I will say that writer Corey Shurge actually managed to put together a script and storyline that was surprisingly entertaining. Yeah, it was pretty much your standard TV thriller, but there was still something enjoyable about it. And I do like the twist to the storyline; I certainly hadn’t figured that one out as director Danny Buday sprang it on the audience.

The acting performances in “Bound by Blackmail” were good for a movie of this type. I wasn’t overly familiar with the cast ensemble here, and I enjoy that when I watch a movie. There was a face or two on the screen that I recognized from other movies, but not any names that I were familiar with.

There were two scenes that involved steam, well something that was supposed to be steam. That was just so poorly done and it was cringeworthy to witness on the screen.

If you enjoy TV thrillers then you should give “Bound by Blackmail” a chance. I was genuinely entertained by what writer Corey Shurge and director Danny Buday had to offer. However, this is hardly a movie that warrants more than a single viewing.

My rating of “Bound by Blackmail” lands on a six out of ten stars.


Nicole was dumb. She tells the company she’s secretly investigating that she’d investigating them. Also, anyone with half a brain could see that Diana was brainwashed, yet she trusts her. If I knew a cop was dirty and he threatened me, I’d tell every cop about him, his boss and all the way up the hierarchy. She doesn’t. She knows these people have killed two people and tried to kill her, yet she returns to the company not once but twice under the pretense that she has changed her mind and wants to take the program, and they are suppose to believe that she is no longer investigating them. Then she leaves her daughter at the house alone knowing these folks are after her and will do whatever they need to do to make her disappear. The only smart thing she did in the entire movie is to keep one drive for evidence before giving the drives to Diana. Ho! Hum!

Taking Initiative

“Bound by Blackmail” had a strong central character in Nicole, who is adjusting to life without her daughter Ari, who has just left home for college. But when Nicole signs on for a seminar at a self-help organization named Initiative, she soon discovers that it is a dangerous cult.

A problem with the film was the clumsy plotting that saw Nicole returning time and again to the Initiative headquarters. She was placing her life and that of others in danger by her reckless “initiative” to discover evidence to bring down the group and its two weird leaders, the brothers Ken and Justin.

The brothers were especially creepy, and much of the action hinges on which one of the two has turned Initiative into a kind of prison for the participants, who are being recorded and blackmailed into remaining in the group and scrubbing floors. Nicole’s friend Diana, who introduced her to Initiative in the first place, is yet another strange figure, who is appears utterly naive about the workings of the organization. Or, is she?

There was an over-the-top approach to various scenes that produced an unintended comical effect. The struggle in the bathroom fogged up by the hot water from the shower was nearly farcical. And the fight of the two brothers took on epic proportions of the struggle of Cain and Abel.

While there was good entertainment value in this film, the credibility was stretched beyond the pale in (a) the crooked cop who was a true believer and (b) in the strong-willed women clients who were cowed into submission by a couple of oily con-artists.