Christmas at Rosemont (2015)


Christmas at Rosemont Storyline

In a raging blizzard five days before Christmas, two young people meet by chance: Lisa, 19, pregnant and scared; and Brad, a professional snowboarder. Both want to make it over the mountains ahead of the storm; Brad to attend a party announcing his engagement, Lisa because she’s desperate to get anywhere away from the mysterious circumstances she’s trying to outrun. The blizzard catches up with them and Brad’s car slams into a snowbank in the middle of the wilderness. They’re forced to seek shelter at the only structure they’ve passed in the last 10 miles: the Rosemont Lodge. Once a vibrant year-round resort, the Rosemont Lodge has been closed for nearly 20 years. Most of it has been sealed up; only a corner of the main building is inhabited. Josephine, the lodge’s owner, used to its heart and soul–her personality and cooking were assets as valuable of the hundreds of acres of pristine mountain wilderness surrounding the lodge. After a devastating family tragedy, Josephine closed the lodge; now a bitter woman in her 60’s, she lives as a total recluse behind “no trespassing” signs all over the property. Her only companion is the lodge’s sole remaining employee, Abe the caretaker, who maintains the place as best he can while hitting the bottle all day long to insulate himself from Josephine’s sharp tongue. Josephine and Abe greet Brad and Lisa with shotguns, but Josephine reluctantly agrees to take them in. Over the next several days, these four people’s lives are transformed. They contend with the harrowing birth of Lisa’s baby, the embarrassing discovery of Lisa’s past, Lisa and Brad’s blossoming romance, and Lisa’s struggle to keep her baby. Above all looms the growing connection between Josephine and Lisa, which Josephine believes is rooted in the tragedy of her own past. This connection gradually brings Josephine–and Rosemont–back to life and offers a glimmer of hope for the future of Lisa and her baby.

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Christmas at Rosemont Movie Reviews

Spectacular Scenery

I liked this film. The viuals were amazing and the proprietess of the lodge nailed her role. Well acted, some convoluted plot pieces that needed a lot of explaining within the film, but nevertheless a very reasonable watch for the season. Recommend.

Nicely different

We’ve seen all the snowed-in Christmas movies. Some include the pain of the travel problems. Some just basically cut right to snowed-in. Either way, the romantic leads get off to a rough start and “warm” up to each other after a while. This movie barely resembles those other ones.

A 19 year old pregnant woman, Lisa, is running from something. Her bus gets rerouted back where it came from because of snow so she convinces a male stranger, Brad, to take her onward. They run off the road and after nearly freezing find a closed down inn. The owner is an angry older woman who meets them with a gun. Fortunately the male handy man calms her down so they take the couple in.

So far, except maybe for the gun, it’s kind of familiar. There are a couple of things the viewer can see coming, but it’s not in the usual way. For one thing, the owner has a backstory that unfolds a bit at a time. Pieces come together and things get a little sentimental. Instead of baking cookies and building snowmen, one of the more interesting activities is a slightly sanitized scene of delivering a baby.

The acting was good. Each of the couples had chemistry, even if at times it was like sandpaper for one of them.

I like that not all things are tied up tightly and the viewer can decide at least one or two things.


This is one of those that will fill your heart with love and peace goes to show you never know who you might meet or what your life has in store for you it makes you wish life could turn out just like it does in the movies check it out you won’t be sorry