The Childhood of a Leader (2015)

90% – Critics
53% – Audience

The Childhood of a Leader Storyline

In aid of the Versailles Treaty peace negotiations with the Germans in the aftermath of World War I, an American diplomat crosses the Atlantic to settle with his wife and his seven-year-old son in a dilapidated Parisian manor. Amidst a strict environment, boredom, an impenetrable adult realm, and endless tantrums, the petulant boy will test his strength in manipulation, and before long, innocence will yield to a far more sinister behaviour. Utterly unhappy in a vast house where peace seems to be the silent protagonist, little by little, the misshapen ideas of a still unformed young mind will eventually give birth to an inconspicuous leader. But who could spot the dictator in the making?

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The Childhood of a Leader Subtitles Download

Englishsubtitle The.Childhood.of.a.Leader.2015.720p.BluRay.X264-AMIABLE
Greeksubtitle The.Childhood.of.a.Leader.2015.720p.BluRay.x264.
Spanishsubtitle The.Childhood.of.a.Leader.2015.720p.BluRay.x264.

The Childhood of a Leader Movie Reviews

Will force the world to be a better place

PLOT SPOILER REVIEW…if I understand it.

The story is about a precocious, insolent, young American boy Prescott (Tom Sweet), growing up in France as his dad (Liam Cunningham) negotiates the Treaty of Versailles, which many say lead to the second World War. H.L. Mencken claimed the Second World War was fought because we backed the wrong side in the first war.

The film is organized as a musical opera, implying there is a conductor over us and history is set whether it is Hitler or Prescott, the wheels are in motion. The dialogue about history “It happened before” shows that things go in cycles and nothing really can stop it.

The picture is nearly half in French. It is slow and boring, even the groping parts. The parents gave Prescott far too much freedom, although that is certainly not the case of evil dictators making me question what was the whole point? And the gap between the childhood and the last 8-10 minutes of the film, I would consider more important than Prescott dressing up as a girl, groping his teacher and screaming he doesn’t believe in prayer. Yawn.

The film has won numerous awards and is critically acclaimed. I think everyone is out of step, but Johnny.

Guide: No swearing, sex, or nudity.

How about a parenting class?

Greetings again from the darkness. Brady Corbet has established a pretty nice career as an actor (Melancholia, Funny Games), and along comes his feature film debut as a writer/director (co-written with Mona Fastvold). In this day of remakes and reboots, this one is anything but. The “Overture” sets the mood with video clips of the WWI aftermath and the explosive score from Scott Walker quickly establishes itself as a character unto itself.

Subsequent title cards are broken into three “Tantrums”, as we witness the ever-escalating inappropriate behavior from young Prescott (Tom Sweet). In what on the surface could be classified as a nature vs nurture expose’, the film leaves little doubt that Prescott is rebelling against the monotony of his environment and the disengaged parents to which he is tethered. However, it also seems evident that young Prescott is inherently “off”. He seems to be cold and emotionally removed as he engages in battles of will with his parents … his father (Liam Cunningham) a US diplomat knee-deep in negotiations that will lead to the Treaty of Versailles, and his mother (Berenice Bejo), a self-described “citizen of the world”.

Two obvious film comparisons would be The Omen (1976) and We Need to Talk About Kevin (2011). The ominous music and settings leave little doubt that we are headed somewhere very dark here, though it’s not in the religious sense of The Omen and it’s more global than the intimacy of ‘Kevin’. Thinking of this as evil in the making would be a just description, though a different title might have held the ending a bit longer.

Support work is provided by Stacy Martin as the French teacher and Yolanda Moreau as the housekeeper who has moments of connection with the challenging Prescott, but Robert Pattison fans will be surprised at how little screen time he has – especially for dual roles.

Young Tom Sweet is fascinating to watch in a very tough role for a child actor, and director Corbet proves he is a filmmaker we should follow closely. His visual acumen is something special, and offsets a script that could have used a bit of polishing. The movie will probably prove divisive – either you will find it mesmerizing and creepy, or you simply won’t connect at all. That’s often the case with a creative and bold project.

Much ado about nothing

First time director Brady Corbet’s “The Childhood of a Leader” is a horror movie, (and not a very good one at that), dressed up in the regalia of ‘a serious picture’. You know you are watching a horror film the moment Scott Walker’s ominous score blasts out at you, despite the newsreel footage of Europe and America in the immediate aftermath of the Great War that opens the film. You can tart this psychodrama up any way you want but this could be just the next installment in the “Omen” saga, (and the Omen pictures were a lot more fun), as our long-haired, (he’s often mistaken for a girl), little monster throws not one, not two, but three tantrums, (that’s what the chapter headings call them), each one worse than the one before, causing no end of consternation to his American diplomat father, (Liam Cunningham, dreadful), and French mother, (Berenice Bejo).

Who is he? Since the film takes as its backdrop the signing of the Treaty of Versailles we can, at least, put it into some kind of historical context so by the time he grows up to be a shaven-headed Robert Pattinson, leading what is obviously a fascist army, it’s easy to put two and two together and get…well, you tell me. Are we meant to surmise that all dictators and fascist leaders are nothing more than demonic little brats who are nasty to their parents? Of course, it’s all rubbish and dull rubbish at that. On the plus side, Walker’s score does conjure up the requisite air of menace in a sub-Wagnerian kind of way while young Tom Sweet is very good as the horrid little tyke. There’s also a nice supporting turn from the excellent Yolande Moreau as the family maid. Otherwise it’s much ado about nothing.