InAPPropriate Comedy (2013)

0% – Critics
23% – Audience

InAPPropriate Comedy Storyline

In this comedy film, a computer tablet full of the world’s most hilariously offensive apps breaks through the borders of political correctness, stirring up cultural anarchy.

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Englishsubtitle InAPPropriate Comedy
Englishsubtitle InAPPropriate Comedy
Englishsubtitle InAPPropriate Comedy
Spanishsubtitle InAPPropriate Comedy

InAPPropriate Comedy Movie Reviews

Well, this was different…

I had no idea what to expect from this, and watched it without having even read the synopsis.

This movie, well, movie is perhaps a bit too much said, because this is a collection of various sketches of inappropriate events. There is not really a story behind this, unless you consider someone sitting around with a tablet and randomly clicking on icons on the screen to show these small sketch videos make a movie.

That being said, then it should also be said that some of these sketches are actually really hilarious and, yeah, quite inappropriate.

Adrien Brody was actually quite fun to watch in the Flirty Harry sketches, and it was nice to see him in a role such as this. Truth be told, then Rob Schneider and Michelle Rodriguez were the reasons for why I wanted to watch this, and unfortunately then they weren’t in the feature all that much, much to my disappointment.

However, what really carried the sketches was the segments with The Amazing Racist – portrayed by Ari Shaffir. It should be said that these sketches might be a bit too much for some people to watch, because they are quite often so inappropriate that you sit around with your toes curled up and thinking “oh no he didn’t”. But watch them for what they are – comedy sketches – and you will laugh, because the situations are so extreme and out there.

There is some really funny stuff to be seen in “InAPPropriate Comedy” and I was thoroughly entertained.

Confuses Inept with Inappropriate

Vince Offer’s “InAPPropriate Comedy” is a weak-sauce sketch comedy that starts off as a series of movie parodies, then drifts off into random and intentionally offensive takes on sex, ethnic stereotyping and racism. In the first category, there’s a dated running skit making fun of the 40-year old movie franchise “Dirty Harry.” Dubbed “Flirty Harry,” it’s really just a collection of unoriginal and unfunny gay double entendres delivered by a deadpan Adrien Brody, who’s indeed come a long way from his days of Oscar-winning glory nearly a decade ago. Other movies and TV shows that come in for some ribbing include “Jackass,” “127 Hours” and even a porn movie version of Siskel and Ebert, none of which elicit even the teeniest snicker from the audience.

The sharpest satire – if one can call it that – comes in a series of skits featuring the very funny Ari Shaffir (who, along with Offer and Ken Pringle, co-authored the screenplay) as a racist who launches into a string of insulting diatribes against Hispanics, blacks, Asians and Jews. The concept works both as humor and as satire simply because it has a point to make and uses absurdity and outrageousness to make it. However, even these bits are not entirely successful, as the ones set in a Jewish market and on a beach in which he’s trying to give black passersby free boat trips back to Africa fall miserably flat.

Unfortunately, most of the rest of the skits involve largely unfunny – and often very crude – ideas indifferently executed. Even when a sequence starts off promisingly, the writers often drag it out long past the point where it’s amusing anymore. The basic mistake here is in not realizing that inappropriateness, in and of itself, is not a sufficient basis upon which to construct a comedy if there isn’t the wit and imagination necessary to make the material funny. And I’m pretty sure that Brody, Rob Schneider, Michelle Rodriquiez and Lindsay Lohan will want to have this particular movie permanently expunged from their wikipedia and IMDb pages as quickly as possible. You know you have a real stinker of a movie when even someone as incapable of embarrassment as Lohan seems ashamed to be associated with it.

And just in case you’re wondering, the APP in the title refers to the desktop icon through which an anonymous finger accesses each of the skits on his tablet.

Not quite on a par with that other recent anthology comedy, “Movie 43,” in terms of sheer awfulness (what could be?), “InAPPropriate Comedy” nevertheless ranks as one of the least funny comedies of recent times.

Tries too hard

Most definitely a film in which most people would find offensive and not funny. The point of this film is to be far over the top and it succeeds yet most of the jokes in the segments aren’t funny. The highlights are the segments of “The Amazing Racist” with Ari Shaffir. Those segments are a little more explicit type of segments we would see in “Jackass”. Not all are funny but a few (the asian driving school and the “Free boat trip”) are entertaining enough, although offensive. He plays his role well where it doesn’t seem much like he is acting. Then a few of the Jackass parody of “Blackass” was decent then tried too hard in creating laughs.

The skits with Adrien Brody of Flirty Harry are too repetitive. At first it was okay then it became the same thing over again. Both the Rob Schneider and Michelle Rodriguez skits were very much forced and not funny.

This film is no question poor but if you don’t take it too serious, you could find some laughs. Overall, a very forgettable and very tried hard film.