Frontline United States of Conspiracy (2020)


Frontline United States of Conspiracy Storyline

The trip down the conspiracies that made Donald Trump president of the USA.

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Frontline United States of Conspiracy Movie Reviews

Frontline still gathers a ton of info, but now it has become very biased

PBS and Frontline some years ago tried to present topics fairly and then add some progressive bias to the topics. But overall you felt like you were seeing valid claims and ideas presented. Unfortunately, right now it’s not an unbiased presentation of any one topic. They are now very much ideologically biased and it makes some episodes at best questionable and at worst very misleading.

In this episode the heavily ideological talking heads don’t even make much sense. You already have a ton of negative depictions of Alex Jones from the media. They want to make him seem conspiratorial and weird and the videos from the various events he went full-on passion in do just that. But then we get talking heads budding in with claims about: White men, racist, sexist, violent, dangerous. All without using any claims from the video sources. We never actually see any violence caused from Alex Jones’ ideas. We just hear various talking heads proclaim that it is so and that we must fear it. We don’t hear Alex Jones say a single racist thing in the doc and he doesn’t say anything at all about women. Yet the talking heads proclaim him racist and sexist. And the most ideologically biased and extreme talking head is a PBS employee just spewing out accusations left and right with no evidence. I’m scratching my head at this. You can’t fight conspiracy with conspiratorial claims.

Obviously no one believes Alex Jones. I’m ready to see a well-made critical documentary about him and look into his wrong claims. But this documentary only attacks conspiracies by him while it supports any crazy claim against him. So in reality it actually made me question the counterclaims in the documentary and made me more sympathetic to a person I didn’t trust one bit before. You really ought to present a fair picture of reality for me to accept that you are telling truth. Frontline has picked one point of view now and it has become pretty cringe overall. But if you remove all talking heads I think this would still work very well as a documentary. The talking heads issue is their main issue for most of their new documentaries.