Great Photo, Lovely Life (2023)

  • Year: 2023
  • Released: 05 Dec 2023
  • Country: United States
  • Adwords: 1 win & 1 nomination
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: English
  • MPA Rating: TV-MA
  • Genre: Documentary
  • Runtime: 112 min
  • Writer: Rachel Beth Anderson, Josef Beeby, Amanda Mustard
  • Director: Rachel Beth Anderson, Amanda Mustard
  • Cast: Bill Flickinger, Angie Minnick, Amanda Mustard
  • Keywords:
93% – Critics
93% – Audience

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1080pweb2.06 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:7A008CF71482B58D0197229355C270902A7A29F4

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Great Photo, Lovely Life Movie Reviews

Living alongside the delusional…

This really hit home for my own reasons, this made me so sad and so angry! This man STILL believes he is free of any wrong doing, that he is this jovial, sweet man that couldn’t possibly hurt a fly… He makes me sick! Furious!

I also really have such anger towards his wife and even their daughter who allowed this man to abuse one of her own daughters.

I am not negating or dismissing trauma and the cycle of dysfunction that does essentially brain wash a victims emotional or moral compass, but since the DAWN OF TIME a mother is designed to protect their children, not continously put them in the jaws of the lion. I don’t care what year it was or what societal stigmas were in place, nothing should hinder that instinct.

Also. That other weird, overly defensive, overly chatting couple that completely gas light her Mother and immediate began to preach the word of God and make her pray for forgiveness… UNREAL!!! I was floored either of them even entertained that whole thing, that couple was shady and clearly hiding something too…

This guy is a monster, stone cold and has lived his whole live raping little girls with no repercussions, this is exponentially terrible and shameful.

This took so much courage from her and especially all of the victims, very well done.

This is not a documentary..

..this is a gross representation of a family secret. The “filmmaker” is so self-involved that she has no idea or care for how she is re-traumatizing these victims. As a therapist, and a survivor for sex assault myself, I am actually livid at how cavalier this woman is digging up everyone else’s past. In one of the final scenes, she seemingly begs her own mother to be angry about HER OWN trauma; I was in disbelief. This is not how to process generational trauma, particularly when it was someone else’s experience.

Besides the true exploitation of the victims, this is a very poorly made documentary. The story peaks within the first few minutes, and the following 90 minutes are just the filmmakers own version of non-consent (impeding on victims life’s with absolutely no care). Using victims for her own gain, and somehow without an ounce of compelling storytelling. Please watch Rewind instead- another documentary about a families generational sexual abuse, coincidentally also in the suburbs of PA, and actually well told and healing.

Impacts So Many People Suffering in Silence

Was glued to the TV watching this documentary. It’s the first time I have watched a show about family members abusing other family members. It’s a discussion that usually doesn’t happen in families. These ladies faced it in their family head on. Because of the time lapse of the abuse, memories, in some instances, were from so many years ago but very vivid. The bravery of the ladies to dig deep is admirable. The Grandfather, in my opinion, didn’t grasp the severity of what his actions did to the people he abused. His words rang hollow to me. Granted he was close to dying but, his words centered more on how he is going to be greeted upon his death. Recently, I learned my Father tried to abuse his Granddaughters when they were preteens. His actions repulsed me. He has been gone for many years but he was never confronted. Thank you for sharing your experience. I admire you for doing this in a public setting. Hopefully it will start discussion’s in families that are currently dealing with this issue.