A Shine of Rainbows (2009)

  • Year: 2009
  • Released: 13 Feb 2010
  • Country: Canada, Ireland
  • Adwords: 4 wins & 8 nominations
  • IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1014774/
  • Rotten Tomatoes: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/a_shine_of_rainbows
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: English
  • MPA Rating: PG
  • Genre: Drama, Family
  • Runtime: 101 min
  • Writer: Vic Sarin, Catherine Spear, Dennis Foon
  • Director: Vic Sarin
  • Cast: Connie Nielsen, Aidan Quinn, John Bell
  • Keywords: island, orphan, seal (animal),

A Shine of Rainbows Storyline

A poignant tale of a loving mother, a reluctant father, and the extraordinary journey that brings a young orphan home. Maire ODonnell has a smile that can light up the darkest room. Joyful, warm and caring, she adopts a young orphan named Tomas and whisks him off to a new home on remote Corrie Island, off the coast of Ireland. Maire shares with Tomas the joys of her island home and introduces him to the whimsical local folklore, including the secret of the seals, and teaches him that everything you need is inside of you- if you really look. But Maires stern husband Alec silently disapproves of Tomas timidity and halting speech. He cant hide his disappointment that Tomas isnt the kind of child he was hoping for and his reluctance to get to know the boy makes Tomas unsure of whether he really belongs. Soon though, Tomas too falls in love with his home, befriending local children, descending into a secret bat-filled cave, and saving a stranded baby seal. When tragedy strikes however, Tomas is faced with his greatest challenge yet. Hell lose everything unless he can find- and share- the unique gifts inside of him. Risking all, Tomas embarks on a perilous journey where he will need to call on his ability to see joy and color even when in the darkest place, in order to triumph and come home. A Shine Of Rainbows is a story about the transformational power of love, about finding acceptance, discovering ourselves, and realizing that rainbows are all around us- and within us too.

A Shine of Rainbows Photos

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A Shine of Rainbows Movie Reviews

A very moving film

I saw this one last night. This is a gut-wrenchingly, poignant movie. Really glad I stumbled across this one in my DVD collection. Word of caution though, watch it with a hanky at hand!I was sobbing half way through it and am glad there was nobody around to catch me in the middle of my sob-fest. And the little boy- such a fine performance I was astounded. I don’t want to spoil it for you, but it’s a story about a little orphaned boy and his adoptive family. Very fine exploration of the nuances of human nature. But more than that, it is a story about love.

I thoroughly recommend watching this one, but it’s not a date movie though.

Double rainbows of Corrie Island

There are people in this world with what could be called “hearts of gold”. One such person is Mary O’Donnell, the attractive woman who is unable to have children. Adoption is her way of sharing her love with the child she could not have. When she visits the orphanage, Mary falls in love with Tomas, a young boy with an unhappy look in his face.

The arrival in Corrie is not exactly what Mary was expecting. Her husband, Alec, does not know how to deal with the boy. Mary shows incredible patience with Tomas, as she tries to acquaint him with the new home. She takes him to the beach where she teaches the boy how to call the seals that populate the waters nearby. Mary promises that by whispering to these animals, they have the power to bring whatever messages are trusted to them to the right persons. Tomas realizes how much he owes to Mary; he wants to call her ‘mom’, something that brings happiness to her.

Unfortunately, happiness is short lived because Mary is a sick woman. She has to be taken to the hospital. Tomas’ heart is broken because losing Mary will only mean one thing, he will be returned to the orphanage and his old life again. Little does he know that Alec learns to accept him, and eventually love him as his own son.

The film is directed by Vic Sarin, who also contributed with Catherine Spear and Dennis Foon to the adaptation of the novel by Lillian Beckwith. It is a feel good movie in spite of the tragedy Tomas experiences at such a young age. The message is basically how love given to a complete stranger can transform people in such a positive way. While Tomas seems to be the one that has to gain the most, it is his adoptive father Alec the ones that benefits because the love Mary brought to the situation.

Connie Nielsen makes a wonderful Mary O’Donnell. Ms. Nielsen is a welcome addition to any film in which she graces with her personality. Aidan Quinn spends most of the film being in a foul mood as he cannot accept the presence of a stranger in his own home. The boy actor John Bell appears to be a natural. The setting of Corrie island adds another layer to the film. The gorgeous photography by its director Vic Sarin is a pleasure to watch. Keith Porter contributed with the musical score.

Truly Moving Picture

I saw this film in December, of 2009 in Indianapolis. I am one of the judges for the Heartland Truly Moving Picture Award. A Truly Moving Picture “…explores the human journey by artistically expressing hope and respect for the positive values of life.” Heartland gave that award to this film.

Tomas is a young boy that is bullied and unhappy at an orphanage. He is suddenly and mysteriously adopted by a childless couple, who live simply and modestly on a very remote Irish island. The Mother, although in ill health, is a woman of astounding positive energy and beauty and sets herself to healing the mental and physical scars of the boy’s unfortunate upbringing. The Father meanwhile loves his wife dearly, but is far less excited by the recovering, damaged boy.

Intertwined with this awkward triangle relationship is light fantasy and legend and mystery of the gorgeous Irish coast. The Irish coast is so beautifully rendered that it is like a fourth character.

There is suddenly a great change in circumstances and two parts of the triangle have to come to terms with this tragedy. It takes courage and resolve and change and love.

The three actors of the triangle are vivid and hold your attention and each ultimately moves you emotionally in three different ways.

FYI – There is a Truly Moving Pictures web site where there is a listing of past Truly Moving Picture Award winners that are now either at the theater or available on video.