Lampa cu caciula (2006)


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720pbluray215.38 MBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:7C48CC864E3736A380D1C86CE58EB22D8C64A502
1080pbluray399 MBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:64FB29A13B13EAFAB6B1EBA898BF1E09B123D5EA

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Lampa cu caciula Movie Reviews

Eu zic sa votati……dati-i si voi 9-10, mi se pare un scurt metraj excellent

I’ve seen this short recently and it’s just great. It captures the essence of a life lived by many of the countryside folks in Romania. You can say it’s a drama as well, the drama of a harsh life lived by those that don’t have much offered on a silver plate. It’s a road-movie, describing the father-son relationship and the little things that matter a lot in life. The Great City is a metaphor, in this case, these people live a plain simple life and the broken TV comes live a disturbance in this life and they have to go fix in town, although they don’t like the city that much. Radu Jude is famous by now for his shorts in Romania and I would say that he should be because his work is very good and it captures a very colorful lifestyle and great picturesque aspects often hidden in day to day life.

Wow–talk about people who love TV!

This is a very interesting short film about a man and his young son making an incredibly long and difficult trek into town to get their television fixed. While this sounds like a very dull topic, the film is excellent because it is well constructed AND it’s amazing to those in more developed countries than Romania to see the lengths to which these people go for television. In many ways, this reminded me of one of the best international films I have seen in recent months–LA GRAN FINAL. In LA GRAN FINAL, three groups from the farthest reaches of the globe (Niger in the Sahara, Outer Mongolia and the Brazilian rain forest) go to amazing lengths just to see the World Cup finals. It really makes you appreciate how much you have and take for granted. I wish kids in the more developed parts of the world could all see this–just so they understand how good they have it.

By the way, there is one problem with the film and that’s the unnecessarily crude language. It might be that the people who subtitled the film were too free with the vulgarities or this could just be exactly that the people really said. Either way, for a family film it has language that many sailors might think twice about using–especially in front of the little boy in the film.