Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006)


Ice Age: The Meltdown Storyline

Manny the woolly mammoth, Sid the sloth, Diego the saber-toothed tiger, and the hapless prehistoric squirrel/rat known as Scrat are still together and enjoying the perks of their now melting world. Manny may be ready to start a family, but nobody has seen another mammoth for a long time; Manny thinks he may be the last one. That is, until he miraculously finds Ellie, the only female mammoth left in the world. Their only problems: They can’t stand each other–and Ellie somehow thinks she’s a possum! Ellie comes with some excess baggage in the form of her two possum “brothers”– Crash and Eddie, a couple of daredevil pranksters and cocky, loud-mouthed troublemakers. Manny, Sid and Diego quickly learn that the warming climate has one major drawback: A huge glacial dam holding off oceans of water is about to break, threatening the entire valley. The only chance of survival lies at the other end of the valley. So our three heroes, along with Ellie, Crash and Eddie, form the most unlikely family–in any “Age”– as they embark on a mission across an ever-changing, increasingly dangerous landscape towards their salvation.

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Ice Age: The Meltdown Subtitles Download

Arabicsubtitle Ice Age: The Meltdown
Arabicsubtitle Ice.Age:.The.Meltdown.2006.720p.BluRay.x264.
Bengalisubtitle Ice Age: The Meltdown
Brazilian Portuguesesubtitle Ice Age: The Meltdown
Chinesesubtitle Ice Age: The Meltdown
Chinesesubtitle Ice Age: The Meltdown
Chinesesubtitle Ice Age: The Meltdown
Chinesesubtitle Ice Age: The Meltdown
Chinesesubtitle Ice Age: The Meltdown
Chinesesubtitle Ice Age: The Meltdown
Chinesesubtitle Ice Age: The Meltdown
Danishsubtitle Ice Age: The Meltdown
Dutchsubtitle Ice Age: The Meltdown
Englishsubtitle Ice.Age:.The.Meltdown.2006.720p.BluRay.x264.
Englishsubtitle ice
Englishsubtitle ice age 2
Greeksubtitle Ice Age: The Meltdown
Norwegiansubtitle Ice Age: The Meltdown
Serbiansubtitle Ice Age: The Meltdown
Spanishsubtitle Ice Age: The Meltdown
Spanishsubtitle Ice Age: The Meltdown
Turkishsubtitle Ice.Age:.The.Meltdown.2006.720p.BluRay.x264.

Ice Age: The Meltdown Movie Reviews

Quite an enjoyable adventure

There are several aspects of this film that I found to be very enjoyable: Its terrific animation, the delightful vocal performances of all the actors involved, and its irresistible imaginative charm. John Leguizamo shines as the heart of the movie, the sloth that inspires all of us to have a good time and gives us hope that there is still some imagination left in Hollywood. His creation and very talented vocal turn perfectly interacts with the other actors’ styles. Romano’s deadpan delivery this time has found the heart that it sorely missed last time, when it was a just boring attempt to leave his character with no personality. Romano has now found the essence of Manny and has some fun with it. He compliments Queen Latifah’s lovely and goofy Ellie. Leary’s Diego is not the showiest turn, but he also has some great moments.

In addition to the principals, the possums and the mini sloths are welcome arrivals, and there are some wonderful moments of nutty entertainment, as now computers can portray some truly wacky moments, such as the Berkeley-inspired moment in the sacrificial fire pit and the vulture “food” numbers.

This film is a throwback to what made classics such as “The Little Mermaid” and “Beauty and The Beast” work: solid acting and a good writing base. It’s a commendable and admirable effort.

Very good for a sequel

At first, “Ice Age: The Meltdown” looks like the inevitable sequel to the famous 20th Century Fox animated blockbuster, trying to cash in the success of the previous movie. Well, despite being exactly that, this new adventure of the prehistoric mammals manages to stay on its own legs and delivers nothing but great fun becoming a worthy sequel. That alone is an achievement in its own right.

After some years living in peace in a new pack, our old friends Sid the sloth (John Leguizamo), Manny the Mammoth (Ray Romano) and Diego the Sabertooth tiger (Dennis Leary) discover that the ice is melting and a flood will cover the valley they now call home. Soon they organize a migration, but the trip won’t be easy, specially for Manny, who begins to believe that he is the last Mammoth on earth.

“The Meltdown” continues with the style of its predecessor both in humor and animation, so those who fell in love with the original will love the sequel too. The difference however, is in the fact that now Manny is our main character. We get to know more about this character apparently anti-social and cynic, but who in the inside feels very lonely after the loss of his family. Sid and Diego make good sidekicks in this adventure and while their roles in the film are somewhat diminished, they still are very well-developed characters. Scrat, the nut-obsessed squirrel is back too in his constant quest for his lost nut, giving slapstick humor of the finest type in every scene he is in.

It is always hard for sequels to live up to the expectations, specially in family-oriented animation films, but director Carlos Saldanha and his team manage to make a funny movie that never gets boring or tiresome (something vital as it is a movie mainly oriented for kids).

While probably the story is not exactly original or complicated, writers Peter Gaulke and Gerry Swallow make up for it with good character development and funny one-liners that fit the movie tone very good. Two new characters, the young possums Crash (Sean William Scott) and Eddie (Josh Peck) are a welcomed addition to the family, as well as Ellie (Queen Latifah), the lost mammoth.

Ellie, Manny and their relationship is a very important subplot in the movie, and one that was perfectly handled by the director and his crew. While Diego’s subplot was also interesting and served as basis for very good jokes, it didn’t had enough screen-time; a shame in my opinion, but overall the movie was very good.

To summarize, fans of the first “Ice Age” won’t be disappointed by “The Meltdown”, and sure the movie will give laughs to both kids and their parents. While still not as good as the first one, this sequel breaks the “sequel’s curse” and is an entertaining film on its own right. 7/10

Decent and colourful sequel, with some hit and miss moments

I personally really enjoyed the first Ice Age, it was well animated and funny. While a notch below the first, this is still a colourful and lively sequel, that was better than I thought it would be. The animation is excellent, there is clear evidence that a lot of time went into making the characters detailed and the backgrounds pretty. The visual with Queen Latifah’s character Ellie, who believes she’s a possum, hanging upside down with her “brothers” was a treat. Also pretty good was the soundtrack, bright and sunny and I think memorable as well and the sound particularly the rumbling of the falling/cracking ice. The voice acting from John Leguizamo, Ray Romano, Queen Latifah and Dennis Leary is top notch. Out of the characters, Scrat I think is the scene-stealer, the scene with the huge acorn in the heavenly beyond with Khatchaturian’s Spartacus was hilarious. The scene with pint-size animals planning to sacrifice Sid to the fire god is funny as well. However, for a 90 minute or so movie, the plot is disappointingly thin and in terms of action there are parts where not so much happens. While there are some nice bits of dialogue such as “Do not leave your children unattended. Unattended children will be eaten”, but overall there are parts where the dialogue is lacking in wit and irreverence. And while Scrat has some priceless moments, other parts of the film are hit and miss, the parts with Ellie thinking she was a possum did get a tad too silly at times. Overall though, this is not at all bad, actually quite enjoyable. 7/10 Bethany Cox