Jack L. Warner: The Last Mogul (1993)


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Jack L. Warner: The Last Mogul Subtitles Download

Jack L. Warner: The Last Mogul Movie Reviews

A shallow bio, on a par with TV’s “Biography”

The old Technicolor home movies are nice to watch, but this shallow biography of Warner Brothers chief Jack Warner offers scant insight into what made him tick, and disappointingly little history of the Warner Brothers studio. Written, directed, and produced by Warner’s grandson, the overall message of the documentary seems to be that Warner (who was widely hated in Hollywood) may have had a few faults, but was mostly a great old guy.

After reading a previous glowing comment, I was hoping for something “unique…enchanted…marvelous…fresh…delightful…”. But only my strong interest in film history kept me watching. Others may want to pass on this one.

about Jack

It’s biopic of Jack L. Warner, one of four brothers who created Warner Bros. The filmmaker is his grandson Gregory Orr. After watching The Brothers Warner (2007) made by Harry’s granddaughter, it’s interesting to see the story from another side. This one is mostly about Jack. The difference between the two films provides an interesting view of some of the story. From the other documentary, Jack’s takeover of the studio was the ultimate betrayal of his brothers. In this documentary, it starts with Harry and Albert’s age. Then it’s the sibling bad blood. It’s not excusing Jack, but it is explaining him. All in all, this is a sympathetic portrayal of the man, but it doesn’t avoid the ugly side either.

Watch “The Brothers Warner” instead…

Wow….it’s interesting to have watched this after I’d already seen “The Brothers Warner” (2008). “The Brothers Warner” was a very long, thorough and no holds barred biography on all four of the Warners–with a strong emphasis on Jack. And, because it was made with the help and cooperation of the families of the other three brothers, it was VERY uncomplimentary and described him as practically an incarnation of the Devil! But, with “Jack L. Warner: The Last Mogul”, the film was made with significant help of his grandson, son-in-law and son–and you hear fewer of the accounts of what a jerk Jack was–and history has well established that he was an awful person. Still, the film is interesting…but also VERY, VERY short. The biggest problem is that the history of the studio itself seemed an afterthought at best and the context for the things he did seemed to be missing. As a result, it just felt sketchy and superficial.

My advice is to skip this film unless you have already watched “The Brothers Warner” and just want more….otherwise, just see “The Brothers Warner”–it’s better in every possible way.