Black Cat 2 (1992)

  • Year: 1992
  • Released: 01 Oct 1992
  • Country: Hong Kong, Canada
  • Adwords: N/A
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: Cantonese, English, Mandarin
  • MPA Rating: N/A
  • Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller
  • Runtime: 90 min
  • Writer: James Fung, Gam-Ching Sin, Ivy Lee
  • Director: Stephen Shin
  • Cast: Jade Leung, Robin Shou, Zoltan Buday
  • Keywords: experiment, sequel, female assassin,

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Black Cat 2 Torrents Download

720pbluray840.69 MBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:4D06CB8FEE443E7DCD458AB82BB29804AB395BB8
1080pbluray1.52 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:29437A5F07212F821EB63F749190F4C31AA4E0C2

Black Cat 2 Subtitles Download

Englishsubtitle Black Cat 2 (Hei mao zhi ci sha Ye Li Qin) DVD
Serbiansubtitle Black Cat 2 (Hei mao zhi ci sha Ye Li Qin) DVD
Vietnamesesubtitle Black Cat 2 (Hei mao zhi ci sha Ye Li Qin) DVD

Black Cat 2 Movie Reviews

Return of the Black Cat

Black Cat 2: The Assassination of Boris Yeltsin (1992) chronicles the further exploits of the C.I.A. assassin the Black Cat. Jade Leung reprises her role whilst Stephen Shin is also back behind the camera. Action star Robin Shou co-stars as the Black Cat’s new partner. The Black Cat is wheeled into action as she has a new assignment. She has to travel to Russia and protect their new leader from a devious assassination plot. The new program inserted into the Black Cat is supposed to be new and improved. Sadly, she’s just a cypher now who as no emotions and only cares about one thing, finishing her assignment. Her lack of feelings even scares Robin Shou as he tries to befriend her. Can the two protect the Russian president or will they fail miserably and leave the former Soviet country in chaos?

A passable sequel to the first film. Jade Leung is very creepy as the Black Cat. Robin Shou gets a chance to show off his skills. The movie’s plot is very dated but it’s an entertaining movie that doesn’t fail to deliver the goods.

Recommended for fans of the first film.

Very strong start

Black Cat II starts off with a bang as our heroine undergoing a procedure to turn her into the perfect killing machine. We then proceed to two Russian killing machines mow down their target and escaping in a scene that is right out of The Spy Who Loved Me but only with more shlock. We then treated to these two Russians shooting their way through a military checkpoint with hilarious action choreograph that would fit right at home in an IFP/Godfrey Ho classic. Sadly the movie really starts to slow down at this point as the hunt of the hitmen truly begins, other then a few scattered fights and a clandestine murder of an old woman there are few psychotronic sights to be hold. You could definitely do a lot worse but this by no means a classic.


“Black Cat II” is an uneven sequel to the modest 1991 Hong Kong hit. Jade Leung returns in the title role: she looks good, plays the emotionless assassin perfectly and is in good physical shape, but much of her fighting and stuntwork appear to be wire-enhanced, which (for me at least) spoils the effect. Robin Shou is quite a handsome guy in his own right, but the script doesn’t give him much to do – he has only two brief fight scenes. The plot of the movie is uninteresting and often laughable. For example, the Black Cat (who is more or less like a cyborg here) accidentally kills an innocent woman in front of many witnesses, but we only see the event referenced once on the news – nobody seems to mind that she isn’t arrested after that. There are also some sci-fi elements here: the villains take strange radioactive pills that enhance their physical powers, and the Black Cat can sense this radioactivity from miles away. At one (low) point, the film even demonstrates that her mind and hands really ARE quicker than a bullet! And, like another reviewer said, the dubbing of EVERYONE (including Americans and Russians) into Chinese pretty much destroys the credibility of the movie. (**)