Vampire vs Vampire (1989)

  • Year: 1989
  • Released: 26 Jul 1989
  • Country: Hong Kong
  • Adwords: N/A
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: Cantonese
  • MPA Rating: N/A
  • Genre: Action, Comedy, Horror
  • Runtime: 86 min
  • Writer: Kam Cheong Chan, Chi-Leung Shum, Mei-Yee Sze
  • Director: Ching-Ying Lam
  • Cast: Ching-Ying Lam, Siu-Ho Chin, Fong Lui
  • Keywords: vampire, taoist priest,

Vampire vs Vampire Storyline

Lam Ching-Ying returns as the famous “Vampire Buster,” this time starring as the One-Eyebrow Priest. He discovers that the water supply in his village has been contaminated by bats and, while in the process of digging a well to find new water supply, he inadvertently unearths the corpse of an evil priest. While already dealing with a horde of creatures including a mischievous kid vampire, a lusty female ghost, and the spirit of a murdered prostitute, the corpse resurrects into a vampire.—Oliver Chu

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Vampire vs Vampire Movie Reviews


Not an official sequel but stars Lam again, this time with Maria Cordero and Sandra Ng in supporting roles. The two women are hilarious, especially Cordero, who is the Mother Superior of a little church in the countryside. I don’t know if the filmmakers intended to spoof Christianity or whether they were just misguided but the nuns have Flying Nun outfits and Cordero keeps going “Hallelujah!” whenever she gets a shock.

The fights are pretty good too. This time the villain is a Western vampire – a former priest of the church, ha – and so he is resistant to Taoist spells and harder to fight. He gets done in finally in kinda a lame-o way but I won’t quibble.

One creepy creature after the other!

Lam Ching Ying, famous for his “Vampire Buster” roles, stars as the One-Eyebrow Priest in this movie. He discovers that the water supply in his village is infected with bats and must seek the source of the flying creatures. It leads to an old church, where its two practicing priests disappeared years ago. The corpse of one of the priest is recovered and, unfortunately, changes into a vampire.

This film is non-stop fun as Lam Ching Ying and his disciples battle paranormal creatures including ghosts and zombies one after the other. His bag full of magic spells you’ve come to recognize in Hong Kong vampire movies are seen in this film along with some good Kung-Fu action, dry humor and toe-tapping music. The special effects, especially with the bat sequence, are realistic and well done.

The hopping Chinese vampires are absent in this film, except for the little child vampire, which I think adds a touch of lightheartedness and blends in well with the cast. The main antagonist of the film is a Western Dracula-type vampire, creepy and hair-raising that gives this film full of suspense.

If you are a fan of Hong Kong horror movies in general, definitely give this film a look.

Grade A

Vampire VS Vampire (Mr vampire 5)

April 2021

Vampire Vs Vampire, another likeable as ever Mr Vampire sequel with Lam Ching YIng once again starring.

Sandra Ng and Billy Lau also star to supply plenty of comedy along with the horror and action elements.

Again a must watch.

9 out of 10.