Horus: Prince of the Sun (1968)


Horus: Prince of the Sun Storyline

Horus, a kid living in an unnamed Scandinavian/Eastern Europe culture of the Iron Age, recovers the Sword of the Sun from the rock giant Moog and learns from his dying father that he must returns to his ancestral territory. In the process, he defends a village from the attacks of Grundewald, a warlord/ice demon and befriends the enigmatic Hilda, a lonely and beautiful girl who sings haunting songs (and who hides a terrible secret).

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Horus: Prince of the Sun Movie Reviews

An unsung milestone in animation history

The influence of Horus: Prince of the Sun (1968) cannot be overstated. It is not only the feature debut of the legendary Isao Takahata or a precursor of Studio Ghibli; it changed the face of Japanese animation forever, pushing aside the notion that all animation must be for children, that all animation must fit in the Disney musical mold.

I don’t feel I need to go into the film’s notoriously troubled production; other reviewers have done so with skill. But let me stress to you that if you consider yourself a fan of animation at all, you owe it to yourself to view Horus. Its musical numbers and talking animals are belied by psychological realism, a gritty sensibility, and political commentary. This isn’t just a dark family film in the mode of Disney’s Pinocchio (1940) or Bluth’s The Secret of NIMH (1982), nor is it an “edgy” adult animation which mistakes crudity for maturity.

The film was a disappointment when first released, but its fan base grew quickly with re-releases, many of these fans being high school and college aged students who connected with the struggles of the protagonists, Horus and Hilda. In the United States, we have no equivalent to Horus as of this writing. We are still trapped by the Snow White and Toy Story model. I earnestly pray an American Takahata will one day give us a film such as this and change our animation landscape too.

The first Isao Takahata film

Before My Neighbors the Yamadas, before Pom Poko, before Only Yesterday, and before Grave of the Fireflies. There was Little Prince Horus(USA Title). This was the first Movie Isao Takahata directed.

He and legendary Anime maker Hayao Miyazaki and some other animators who were still in their early years in animation industries made this film possible.

It’s nothing like Isao Takahata’s other works. This one is about an Alternate Viking/Scandinavian Time Period about a boy named Horus who receives a sword from some Earth God, and is sent on a quest to defeat an Ice Demon(who’s pretty cool looking) meets a group of village locals and a mysterious Girl who has the key to restoring peace to the land.

It took 3 years for this film to be made. Animation is well done even if this was made 38 years ago. Back when Anime was still primitive. It’s interesting to watch. Too bad it didn’t do well when it was in Japanese Theatures. But what’s cool about it is it became known as the earliest forms of modern anime.

In other words it’s anime that doesn’t have to be made for kids to watch.

I’m not sure when it’ll get licensed to get it’s own English Debut. But worth seeing for those who are interested in Animes that broke the rules. I’d recommend this film for Ages 12 and up contains cartoon violence and a split second of nudity.

Not one of my favourite animes, still very good and ground-breaking

Being someone who likes anime very much, being especially a fan of Hayou Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli, ‘The Little Norse Prince’ was interesting from historical interest and holds up pretty well now.

‘The Little Norse Prince’ isn’t perfect. It fares weakest in the dialogue, which is rather stilted and rambling. Some of the animation, though not all (some of it is actually impressive for very early anime), lacks finesse and has a rough around the edges look in particularly the character designs. However, while not loving ‘The Little Norse Prince’ there was enough here to make me admire it a lot. While the flaws are obvious, there is also a lot to like.

As aforementioned, many other parts of the animation do impress, like in the ethereal colours and meticulously detailed and sometimes imaginative backgrounds. The music is haunting and richly beautiful, complementing the tone perfectly.

What was particularly admirable too was the storytelling. It is a simple story, without being over-simplified or dumbed down, yet has mature and complex themes that give it an emotional maturity and complexity without being confusing. The characters are interesting and engaging and the voice acting is pretty solidly emotive.

All in all, very good and breaks new ground but not one of my favourites. Plenty to admire though and recommended. 8/10 Bethany Cox