No Man Is an Island (1962)

67% – Critics
67% – Audience

No Man Is an Island Storyline

The true story of George Tweed, an American sailor who became the only serviceman on the island of Guam to avoid capture by the Japanese during the early years of World War II.—Anonymous

No Man Is an Island Photos

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Englishsubtitle No Man Is an Island 1962 DVD

No Man Is an Island Movie Reviews

Excellent war movie

This is an excellent war movie based on a true story. The action is great, and the characters very identifiable. There is one really mean character, but his character does ring true for the times, and he reveals a prejudice that was present. In fact, as a historical adventure based on true events, certain liberties are taken to show higher truths. That is what this movie does. Characters will often be composites to show the events in a condensed version. Otherwise, the movie would be forty hours long. This movie centralizes on Tweed and four other Americans trying to escape occupied Japanese territory. They are aided by natives, and that is what the movie is about. Modern audiences won’t like the fact that Tweed is a likable character. One of the advantages of older movies is that they didn’t present all lead characters as ridiculous stereotypes and homicidal maniacs. Also, some puritans insist that every action be historically beyond doubt. To read some of the reviews here, you would think that they couldn’t show Tweed eating rice without having a receipt for the rice in the Smithsonian Institute. Just enjoy a well done movie with great actors. Remember, who did the studio get to play the son of God in a later movie?

How to learn to appreciate eating fishheads

The most interesting part of this film is the very beginning, when Tweed sits on the top of his mountain and makes the reflection: “No man is an island, entire of itself. Every man is a piece of the continent and part of the main. Any man’s death diminishes me. I am involved in all mankind.” Indeed, he has time to make the deepest reflections and reach any conclusion during the months of his isolation on the top of a Pacific mountain with the ideal pacific landscape around him with the sea and the hills of the island. It’s a great second world war narrative with very human ingredients, and especially impressive are the scenes in the hospital for lepers. There is a romance as well, and great war scenes, while only the Japanese are left with no human nuance. Jeffrey Hunter is perfect for the role, he was a very promising actgor who died far too young at only 42, and he was Jesus in Nicholas Ray’s “King of Kings”, and he died from complications in a surgery after two strokes. The film is beautiful, and although not ranked as Jeffrey Hunter’s best film, you certainly will remember him from it.

One man’s spiritual odyssey

No Man is an Island is best seen not as a war film but as one man’s spiritual odyssey. I fully agree with rsoonsa’s comments that the film suffers from shoddy production values and a serious lack of logic. But get through the first half of the film and you have a tremendously moving experience.

Why should one man’s life be spared when all of his comrades are killed? This is the question that the main character struggles with, and it’s mainly through the local priest that he learns to accept the sacrifice of the people of Guam.

Jeffrey Hunter understands that his role doesn’t call for the tough, gritty approach that he essayed so brilliantly in Hell to Eternity. Rather, he calls upon his unique qualities of masculinity and sensitivity to suggest his character’s growing spiritual awareness. Some of Hunter’s closeups are of heartrending beauty, bringing a spiritual quality that no actor today could touch.

There’s a reason why No Man is an Island has been released on DVD – albeit in a misguided widescreen transfer that crops crucial information from the top and bottom of the frame. It speaks to a lot of people and transcends its various flaws through the sheer inspiration of its message.