IMDb 7.1 – IMDb Torrent Best free movies & subtitles Download in the world Sat, 04 May 2024 11:07:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Contestant (2023) Sat, 04 May 2024 11:07:17 +0000 The Contestant (2023) Read More »

  • Year: 2023
  • Released: 02 May 2024
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Adwords: 3 nominations
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: English, Japanese
  • MPA Rating: N/A
  • Genre: Documentary
  • Runtime: 90 min
  • Writer: Clair Titley
  • Director: Clair Titley
  • Cast: Tomoaki Hamatsu, Jason Her, Toshio Tsuchiya
  • Keywords: reality show,
false% – Audience

The Contestant Storyline

A Japanese reality TV star left naked in a room for more than a year, tasked with filling out magazine sweepstakes to earn food and clothing, prompts innumerable questions about our culture of oversharing. Before the onslaught of reality television in the West, there was an ominous harbinger in Japan of what was to come in our oversharing-obsessed culture. The Contestant traces the experience of aspiring comedian Tomoaki Hamatsu, nicknamed Nasubi, who unwittingly became an extreme case study. In 1998, Nasubi thought he was attending an audition when a successful Japanese TV producer, Toshio Tsuchiya, enlisted him to take part in a challenge. Tsuchiya led Nasubi into a room, ordered him to strip naked and left him with a stack of magazines. Nasubi’s task was to fill out contest coupons in order to win what he needed to survive food, clothing, appliances, etc. until he reached the prize goal of one million yen. Although Nasubi could have left at any time, he stayed for months with a fierce determination to complete his mission. He was cut off from all contact with his family and the world except for occasional interactions with Tsuchiya. What Nasubi didn’t realize was that his experiences were being broadcast to over 15 million people in a TV show called Denpa Shonen: A Life in Prizes. Without his knowledge or consent, Nasubi became the most famous television personality in Japan. While parts of Nasubi’s infamy have been recounted before on YouTube and This American Life.

The Contestant Photos

The Contestant Torrents Download

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1080pweb1.67 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:E2ABD7BE0CC0AC6E531085C010DD1F7734BFB991

The Contestant Subtitles Download

The Contestant Movie Reviews

The producer/creator should have been jailed!

I just watched the contestant and the tortures that that poor man went through for other peoples entertainment is disgusting and sickening! And the man who put this all together and created should be in prison for life! At the end, when that poor man just began to strip because he figured that was his life now without even thinking just made me wanna cry. Shame on you, Japan, for allowing this to happen. And shame on the people who watched this and thought that it was OK for a man to be tortured like this, there are so many other ways that they could’ve entertained themselves than to watch a man slowly slip into madness and sadness just astound me.

What the actual hell is going on in Japan

Bro my god the stuff that happens to this dude is literally horrifying?! I cannot believe that this actually exists and was broadcast to the world and everyone really loved it.. I mean I get that they didn’t particularly know how harrowing this situation was for this guy but the fact this man spent a whole fifteen months trapped inside two incredibly small rooms only being able to live off the prizes he won from contests, nearly starving almost all the time and in a constant state of loneliness and depression yet somehow managing to always be entertaining for the camera – whether that be from him possibly going a little stir crazy or just being an immensely funny guy… I think it’s a little fifty-fifty there.

I really liked the way this was all told, which makes for one of the most visually engaging documentary experiences I have had all year. Edited together really well; between its present day interviews with those involved and related to the people involved plus the actual footage itself from the hit reality show “Life in Prizes”. Said show stars the central talking point and voice of this documentary, Tomoaki Hamatsu, or better known as Natsubi (meaning eggplant) due to his long face which was the subject of many bullies in his youth but later something he seems to have come to embrace. Natsubi himself is genuinely hilarious, every single joke this man made both on the show itself and during the talking segments were incredibly funny and he has such a strong screen presence that fills the entire atmosphere with joy it’s honestly contagious, plus the man has a very happy smile.

This documentary showcases some of the most disturbing practices in reality tv I have ever had the chance to witness and I have never before felt so bad for a man who is having psychological warfare being carried out against him. It definitely works amazingly for the show as the entire time you’re cheering the man on as you desperately want him to get out, and he does too, but it’s immensely depressing to watch this guy break as he gets put through this rigorous process not just once, but two goddamn times. I am just happy that after he had gotten out of doing this show he was able to glean something positive out of it all and the perspective it ended up giving him on the way humans cannot handle loneliness and how helping each other is so important is poetic and beautiful. Also the ending part which is far more recent when he is involved in an avalanche yet instead of trying to make sure he himself is okay after it he immediately rushes to start hello everyone else out is awe inspiring and one of the most moving things I’ve ever heard of a man doing.

Japanese television is apparently really out there which I was not really aware of before.. I mean I have seen some of the wacky game shows that have appeared in tik tok clips but I didn’t know they were doing this all the way back then and to such a severe extent that they almost entirely broke this poor man. I really hope it hasn’t affected bim so much negatively that it has ruined any portion of his life as he seems like such a happy and funny guy who more than deserves the notoriety that he has acquired, but I do wish it didn’t come at the cost of his mental state for a staggering fifteen months. Toshio Tsuchiya is a very interesting guy for being willing and insanely eager to put this man through all of this stuff, and despite him contributing a whole ton of money and resources for a helping cause, and feeling a semblance of remorse for his action – I obviously still don’t think what he did was worth it in the slightest and no matter what Natsubi learned from his experience in that situation he never should’ve been put into it.

I very clearly recommend you check out this documentary for yourself if you have Hulu, even if you’re not particularly interested in the topic itself I always think it’s a good idea to spread some light on a situation I feel like a large portion of people are not already aware of, like me. It’s really well told with some fascinating stories from everyone involved and the way it is all put together both looks great but also flows amazingly. It’s not a super long runtime either only landing at about ninety minutes so I think it’s more than worth giving your time to, and hopefully watching this supports Natsubi in some sort of way. Mans got out through hell and back and somehow came out with an even bigger smile on his face and the urge to help people, so you gotta respect him at the very least. Peak for real.


I watched this by myself and I was saying out loud “WOW”, “I don’t believe this”, and many expletives.

It’s a crazy ride. I’m not really an outwardly emotion person, but at certain points, I teared up – out of happiness, out of shock, out of just wrapping my head around.

It is much more than a voyeuristic experience of him endure, it really is a reflection of humanity; on one hand the cruelty that humans can afflict on another, and then it also showcases the compassion of humanity.

After watching, I am so surprised that here in the US I had never heard about this. It’s really unbelievable.

I am typing this right after watching and my head is still wrapping my head around what I just saw.

Curious Caterer: Foiled Plans (2024) Sat, 04 May 2024 11:07:12 +0000 Curious Caterer: Foiled Plans (2024) Read More »


Curious Caterer: Foiled Plans Storyline

Goldy and Marla are excited about the fun nature of their latest catering gig, a by invitation only medieval ball and dinner at Sir Alistair Harrows’ home, Hyde Castle, it a fundraiser for Elk Park Prep Academy, the school that Olive attends, she who will be part of a fencing demonstration at the gala. A stickler for authenticity as his home is one big medieval castle without the latest technology such as computers, Internet or cell phones, Sir Alistair dictates to his butler Klaus that all the guests must be dressed in medieval costume, and only invited guests are to be allowed in. Among the guests are many from the Elk Park Police Department, including Tom, Mason and Dave. One uninvited person who is able to make his way in, just before a storm snows them all in, is US Marshal Gerard Trach, Dave’s father, who has come to see Tom to question him about his convict father Edmund Schultz as he has escaped from prison, odd in that he would soon be eligible for parole after twenty-five years served for murder. Tom knows nothing about Edmund’s whereabouts as he has not spoken to his father since he went to prison, with this news dampening his spirit just before he and Goldy are to go on a big date. Something else that dampens the entire evening is a murder, the victim who was just about to make a self-described earth-shattering announcement. Tom leads the investigation, with Mason and Dave providing official assistance, Gerard somewhat unofficial assistance, and Goldy her inherent sleuthing skills. Even if they don’t know the nature of the victim’s announcement, they discover that there are many possible suspects as the victim had many enemies among the guests who can’t leave even if they wanted to because of the snow. But what Tom probably did not expect is that his father would factor into the proceedings.—Huggo

Curious Caterer: Foiled Plans Photos

Curious Caterer: Foiled Plans Torrents Download

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Curious Caterer: Foiled Plans Subtitles Download

Curious Caterer: Foiled Plans Movie Reviews

Shaolin Intruders (1983) Thu, 02 May 2024 10:25:12 +0000 Shaolin Intruders (1983) Read More »

75% – Critics
false% – Audience

Shaolin Intruders Storyline

Shaolin Temple becomes suspect when several clan leaders are robbed and killed by the deadly Shaolin Palm technique.

Shaolin Intruders Photos

Shaolin Intruders Torrents Download

720pbluray827.51 MBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:8CFAE62864C6CDA7F1C9E854108F6B34B3DCA1F9
1080pbluray1.5 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:9EFED3EA7F8F833D5DABDFFDD7A6B97E5DF18E7E

Shaolin Intruders Subtitles Download

Shaolin Intruders Movie Reviews

Creative martial arts

SHAOLIN INTRUDERS is another engaging and action-packed Shaw Brothers martial arts epic, once again influenced by the growth of special effects-fuelled blockbusters in Hollywood. Thus we get extra-outlandish fight sequences, with Shaolin monks contorting themselves into all kinds of wacky positions to fight and test our heroes. Chor Yuen veteran Derek Yee handles the hero role well, but his thunder is stolen by a Puckish turn from Jason Pai Paio as his partner in crime and the exemplary supporting cast, including Phillip Ko, Ku Feng, Lee Hoi Sang and Chan Shen. The plot is limited here, but the twists are satisfying and the action excels.

Good Movie

I liked this movie a lot… There’s not much I can say that hasn’t already been covered by Brian Camp. He covered everything, maybe more than you needed to know.

I thought it was great that he mentioned Lau Yuk-Pok (aka Liu Yu-Po, aka Liu Yu-Pu). He’s right, she wasn’t in a lot of films. For those who are searching for a little more info about her, i’ll input the best I know of.

She was born in Taiwan on May 3rd 1963. She joined Shaw Brothers at their invitation in the 80’s and played in “Winner Takes All”, “Rolls, Rolls, I Love You”, “Shaolin Prince”, “Shaolin Intruders”, “The Weird Man”, “Portrait in Crystal”, “Secret Service of the Imperial Court”, “New Tales of the Flying Fox”, “Butcher”, “Thunderclap” and “Qin Yong (aka A Terra-Cotta Warrior)”. She returned to Taiwan in 1985 after finishing “Qin Yong”, and started a career in TV drama. Later she married Chang Chien-Chung, who worked in an advertising agency, and eventually emigrated to the United States.

In 1991, they gave up their careers to become missionaries. In 2001, she became a writer and published two books about herself as a mother and a patient (I would assume “cancer patient” but cant find a definite answer). She died on May 11th 2009. There’s some commentary on the Celestial DVD edition of Shaolin Intruders about her.

Shaolin Intruders

Shaolin Intruders is a fairly decent Kung-Fu film, albeit it may have a bit more humor added to the mix, nonetheless, it is good entertainment.

The fight scenes at the Shaolin Temple are well choreographed and inventive. Two bumbling friends try to find out who is killing renowned house clan leaders, and it takes them to the Shaolin Temple. The only way they can gain access to the Shaolin students to identity their faces, since one of their female friends saw them on a stealing spree, is to get past Shaolin monks, who put up a vigorous defense.

In all, there’s some duplicity and scheming involved. It makes for decent action.

The Cat and the Canary (1927) Thu, 02 May 2024 10:25:01 +0000 The Cat and the Canary (1927) Read More »

  • Year: 1927
  • Released: 09 Sep 1927
  • Country: United States
  • Adwords: N/A
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: None, English
  • MPA Rating: Passed
  • Genre: Comedy, Horror, Mystery
  • Runtime: 108 min
  • Writer: John Willard, Robert F. Hill, Alfred A. Cohn
  • Director: Paul Leni
  • Cast: Laura La Plante, Creighton Hale, Forrest Stanley
  • Keywords: haunted house, based on play or musical, last will and testament, black and white, old dark house, silent film,

The Cat and the Canary Photos

The Cat and the Canary Torrents Download

720pbluray797.51 MBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:7162999111E38DF3B2D033A95F81AB048008058A
1080pbluray1.45 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:79AEDE817C5828BE11199EECA843EECD4A657BB4

The Cat and the Canary Subtitles Download

The Cat and the Canary Movie Reviews

Amazing “Old Dark House” film

“The Cat and the Canary” has been considered a masterpiece, and that the film is still known today is a feat in itself. It is easily my favorite silent film. Paul Leni (the director) has a great deal of prowess on films like these, and it has been admitted by others.

First, the sets are realistic, making this film a believable “journey back in time” (it was made over 70 yrs. ago). I am shocked to hear one reviewer say this film as broadly acted and visually stunted. The sets are marvelous, especially the drawing room (it looks very nice to be part of a “haunted house”). The camera work (ex. the skeleton double-exposure, the subtitles occasionally moving like a ghost) is very enjoyable, too.

About the acting, first get this straight: Much of the acting is quite normal. But in the fright scenes (especially by Laura La Plante), the acting has nothing wrong with it. Much of it is very funny (contrary to common belief). Flora Finch (Aunt Susan) is funny as the gossiper, and Creighton Hale as Paul is cute. Why do most of you find the broad acting painful to watch? If you can’t find silent films enjoyable, all I can tell you is, tough luck. Classic films are as a general rule better than the new ones, but even new films can be very good.

Creepy Mystery and Horror Silent Film

The millionaire Cyrus West has spent the last years of his life in his mansion nearby the Hudson River considered insane by his greedy relatives and feeling like a canary in a cage surrounded by cats. When he dies, he stipulates that his lawyer Roger Crosby (Tully Marshall) would read his will that is kept in a safe in the twentieth anniversary of his death. On the scheduled day, Cyrus West’s loyal servant Mammy Pleasant (Martha Mattox) and the lawyer welcome the guests in the creepy mansion that people tells that is inhabited by ghosts: West’s nephews Harry Blythe (Arthur Edmund Carewe), Charles “Charlie” Wilder (Forrest Stanley), the scared Paul Jones (Creighton Hale), Aunt Susan Sillsby (Flora Finch), Cecily Young (Gertrude Astor) and West’s niece Annabelle West (Laura La Plante). When Roger Crosby opens the will, West’s mansion and fortune are left to the most distant relative having the name West, meaning Annabelle. However, she should prove first that she is sane; otherwise, the inheritance would be bequeathed to another heir whose name is in a sealed envelope. Out of the blue, a guard (George Siegmann) comes to the mansion and tells that a dangerous lunatic has fled from an institution. During the night, Roger Crosby disappears and Annabelle receives an envelope from Mammy Pleasant where West tells the location of his precious diamonds. Annabelle finds the jewels and wears a necklace, but while she is sleeping, a hand comes from the wall and steals the diamonds from her neck. With the exception of Paul Jones that loves Annabelle, her relatives believe that she is insane. But when Annabelle finds a hidden chamber in the wall with the body of Roger Crosby, Mammy Pleasant decides to call the police and the identity of the lunatic is disclosed.

“The Cat and the Canary” is a creepy mystery and horror silent film by the German Expressionist director Paul Leni. The plots blends black humor with elements of horror using the atmosphere of the expressionism with shadows and lighting, and the result is a stylish movie where even the inter-titles are funny. The beauty of Laura La Plante is very impressive. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): “O Gato e o Canário” (“The Cat and the Canary”)

Influential Silent Film Is Still Amusing

The 1922 play THE CAT AND THE CANARY was so popular that it made the fortune of author John Willard, who lived to see it filmed no fewer than three times before his death in 1942. Even today the story remains a classic of its kind, inspiring a host of films that mix comedy, mystery, and horror–not to mention still more that focus on suspicious doings in old, dark houses. When questioned by author Gavin Lambert, director James Whale very specifically indicated that the 1927 film version, along with the 1928 THE LAST WARNING, influenced his own work in such films as FRANKENSTEIN and THE OLD DARK HOUSE.

Both THE CAT AND THE CANARY and THE LAST WARNING were created for Universal by director Paul Leni. But while THE LAST WARNING is not presently available to the home market, THE CAT AND THE CANARY most certainly is, and even some eighty years later is possible to see what all the fuss was about. In term of cinematography, CAT is a remarkably imaginative film, using a series of over-lapping images, close-ups, and dissolves to astonishing effect. In a visual sense it is easily one of the most stylish films of the silent era.

The plot is a classic of its kind. Like the original Willard play, the film’s story mixes a host of already-clichéd ideas with several then-new ones. Today, of course, it can be a bit difficult to them apart! But even so it remains a fair amount of fun. An eccentric millionaire has been hounded to death by his greedy relatives–and when he dies he leaves behind a will that imposes a twenty year waiting period between his death and delivery of his estate to his heir. But who will the heir be? The candidates assemble to hear the will at midnight… and no sooner is the heir named than strange doings are afoot.

The characters are archetypes: the nice girl (Laura La Plante), the mild-mannered boy (Creighton Hale), the fashion princess (Gertrude Astor), the battle ax matron (Flora Finch), and so on. Perhaps most memorable is the housekeeper (Martha Mattox), an exceedingly dour woman most ironically named Mammy Pleasant! Add in an exasperated lawyer, a creepy doctor, secret passages, hairy hands with needle-like finger nails, stolen diamonds, and as many dashes of comedy as you can get away with, mix well, and you have the inspiration for a seemingly endless list of classic films.

Although they may seem overly broad by modern standards, the cast plays at the level of what was considered comic-realistic in the late silent era, the production values are first rate, and the plot is quirky enough in a silly sort of way to make the whole thing fun. But it is really the direction and the look of the thing that scores; in its best moments, THE CAT AND THE CANARY is plenty good indeed.

The film is available in several DVD releases. You should avoid the Alpha release; although the picture is passable, the score is so dire that it completely undermines the film. Although it clearly needs further restoration, the Image release is superior and offers your choice of scores, both of which work with the film rather than against it. Recommended for silent fans and those interested in the development of the classic horror film!

Gary F. Taylor, aka GFT, Amazon Reviewer

The Good Witch’s Gift (2010) Thu, 02 May 2024 10:24:04 +0000 The Good Witch’s Gift (2010) Read More »

59% – Critics
false% – Audience

The Good Witch’s Gift Storyline

Almost as soon as Jake and Cassie decide to get married on Christmas Eve, complications arise. Ex-con Leon Deeks arrives in town, and Jake is asked by the mayor to make him his top priority. At the same time, Jake’s having trouble securing the wedding license since he can’t find Cassie’s documents proving her existence. There’s also the difficulty in finding a wedding cake at the last minute. Last but not least, Jake’s kids are upset: Brandon wants to spend time with his new girlfriend, and is feuding with his sister Lori. Meanwhile, Lori manages to lose Cassie’s wedding ring.—Mya

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The Good Witch’s Gift Torrents Download

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The Good Witch’s Gift Subtitles Download

English subtitle The Good Witchs Gift 2010 Hallmark 720p Webrip X264 Solar

The Good Witch’s Gift Movie Reviews

Another Cute Movie by Hallmark!!

Another cute movie by Hallmark. Perfect for the holiday’s!! Although predictable, they should make more of these light hearted movies. They are just perfect for any age. Catherine is so sweet at Cassandra Nightingale. Maybe not an award-winning movie but just right for watching with the family during the Christmas season!! Can’t wait to see what they have for us next year!!

My question is, where the heck can I get my hands on any of the sweaters Catherine Bell is wearing in this movie? They are fantastic!! There isn’t any information available on the wardrobe used in this movie. Is this available anywhere?

Beautifully magical and enchanting.

The third movie in The Good Witch film series is quite possibly the best one so far. It’s set around Christmas time which makes everything seem all the more magical and then add in a wedding. It’s incredibly exciting to finally see Cassie and Jake coming together in holy matrimony and the beginnings of their new little family.

There are of course the usual challenges this time in the form of poor time management and a bank robber. It adds another emotional layer to the film and makes you root for their success. Nobody wants to see anybody fail around Christmas and you can’t help but hope for a special Christmas miracle. I don’t care how many clichés they squeeze into these movies as I just can’t get enough of their feel good optimism.

Good Witch’s Gift is Hallmark with All Its Trimmings ***

Traditional holiday fanfare courtesy of the Hallmark Channel.

This is a continuation of the story of a witch and how she has helped the people of her local town. Engaged to the town sheriff, the story is basically how their attempts to set a wedding date are always thwarted and when they set the date for Christmas eve, events just don’t seem to go their way and it appears that the ceremony will have to be postponed.

It’s also a story of a former bank robber who comes back to the town after he is released from prison in an attempt to reconnect with his ex-wife and daughter.

As is the case with most Hallmark films at holiday time, it’s a story basically of redemption and human kindness. A pleasure to see that violence is missing.

Food, Inc. 2 (2023) Thu, 02 May 2024 10:23:55 +0000 Food, Inc. 2 (2023) Read More »

75% – Critics
false% – Audience

Food, Inc. 2 Storyline

The groundbreaking Oscar®-nominated documentary Food, Inc. ignited a cultural conversation about the multinational corporations that control our food system at enormous cost to our planet, workforce and health. In the well-timed sequel, Food, Inc. 2, comes “back for seconds” to reveal how corporate consolidation has gone unchecked by our government, leaving us with a highly efficient yet shockingly vulnerable food system dedicated only towards increasing profits.

Food, Inc. 2 Photos

Food, Inc. 2 Torrents Download

720pweb868.09 MBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:8F5BA292B964704A9F60C37574D744EE5456B685
1080pweb1.74 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:E7A98B9C567742D8A1506BD40BABE9C0690ADA2D

Food, Inc. 2 Subtitles Download

English subtitle Food.Inc.2.2023.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264
English subtitle Food.Inc.2.2023.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264

Food, Inc. 2 Movie Reviews

Monkey Man (2024) Thu, 02 May 2024 10:22:25 +0000 Monkey Man (2024) Read More »

  • Year: 2024
  • Released: 05 Apr 2024
  • Country: United States, Canada, Singapore, India
  • Adwords: 1 win
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p, 2160p
  • Language: English
  • MPA Rating: R
  • Genre: Action, Thriller
  • Runtime: 121 min
  • Writer: Dev Patel, Paul Angunawela, John Collee
  • Director: Dev Patel
  • Cast: Dev Patel, Sharlto Copley, Pitobash
  • Keywords: complex, indian, revenge thriller, action thriller, optimistic,
84% – Critics
false% – Audience

Monkey Man Storyline

Kid, an anonymous young man who ekes out a meager living in an underground fight club where, night after night, wearing a gorilla mask, he is beaten bloody by more popular fighters for cash. After years of suppressed rage, Kid discovers a way to infiltrate the enclave of the city’s sinister elite. As his childhood trauma boils over, his mysteriously scarred hands unleash an explosive campaign of retribution to settle the score with the men who took everything from him.—olisilumea

Monkey Man Photos

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Monkey Man Subtitles Download

Arabic subtitle Monkey.Man.WEBRip.x264-ION10
Arabic subtitle Monkey.Man.WEBRip.x264-ION10
Arabic subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.1400MB.DD5.1.x264-GalaxyRG
Arabic subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.Atmos.H.264
Bengali subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.720p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.Atmos.H.264-FLUX
Bengali subtitle Monkey-Man-2024.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.1400MB.DD5.1.x264-GalaxyRG
Brazillian Portuguese subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.1400MB.DD5.1.x264-GalaxyRG
Brazillian Portuguese subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-FLUX
Danish subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.DKSubs.1080p.WEB.DDP5.1.Atmos.H.264-YOLO.da
Danish subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.Retail.DKsubs.1080p.WEB-DL.H.264.DDP5.1.Atmos-BANDOLEROS.da
Dutch subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.DDP5.1.x265.10bit-LAMA
English subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.720p.WEBRip.x264.AAC-
English subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.UHD.WEBRip.1080p.DDP5.1.Atmos.DoVi.HDR.x265-SM737
English subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.UHD.WEBRip.1080p.DDP5.1.Atmos.DoVi.HDR.x265-SM737
English subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.720p.WEBRip.x264.AAC-HI
English subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.HDR.2160p.WEB.H265-SLOT
English subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL
English subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL-FORCED
English subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyRG
English subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyRG
English subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.1400MB.DD5.1.x264-GalaxyRG
English subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.WEBRip.x264.AAC5.1-
English subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.Atmos.H.264
English subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.Atmos.H.264
English subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.1080p.WEB.H264-AccomplishedYak
English subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.720p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-FLUX
English subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.x264-GalaxyRG
Farsi/Persian subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.WEBRip.x264-ION10
Farsi/Persian subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.WEBRip.x264-ION10
Farsi/Persian subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.Atmos.H.264-FLUX
Farsi/Persian subtitle Monkey.Man.WEBRip.x264-ION10
Farsi/Persian subtitle Monkey.Man.WEBRip.x264-ION10
French subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.2160p.WEB.H265-SLOT
French subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.UHD.WEBRip.1080p.DDP5.1.Atmos.DoVi.HDR.x265-SM737
French subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.2160p.WEB.H265-SLOT
German subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.GERMAN.MIC.DUBBED.DL.720P.WEB.H264-WATCHABLE
Hebrew subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.1080p.WEBRip.x264.AAC5.1-
Indonesian subtitle Monkey-Man-2024-x265-x264-WEB-DL-WEBRip
Indonesian subtitle Monkey-Man-2024-WEBRip-HDRip
Indonesian subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.720p.WEBRip.x264.AAC-
Romanian subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.Atmos.H.264-FLUX
Serbian subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.720p.AMZN.WEBRip.800MB.x264-GalaxyRG
Spanish subtitle Monkey Man 2024 1080p AMZN WEB-DL DDP5 1 Atmos H 264-FLUX
Thai subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.1080p.AMZN.WEBRip.1400MB.DD5.1.x264-GalaxyRG
Turkish subtitle Monkey.Man.2024.720p/1080p.WEBRip.x264.AAC5.1-YTS.MX
Turkish subtitle Monkey Man (2024)
Vietnamese subtitle Monkey.Man.WEBRip.x264-ION10
Vietnamese subtitle Monkey.Man.WEBRip.x264-ION10

Monkey Man Movie Reviews

You can tell it’s a directorial debut

You can tell this was Dev Patel’s first time directing because it feels like he refused to cut any scene from it in the interest of keeping the story engaging. The second hour of the movie could have been 20 minutes. There was no longer any plot, you knew exactly what was going to happen from the midpoint, you just didn’t realize it was going to take over an hour of pensive looks and Dev punching 200 people. The best way I can describe it is if that scene from John Wick where he takes forever to get up the stairs and then he’s right at the top and tumbles down? Imagine if that was half the movie. It could have been great if only it was properly edited.

Promicing trailer underwhelming movie itself

I had extremely high hopes after watching one of the greatest trailers of all time which this film gave. The movie wasnt matching the hopes created by trailer it gave. It has some of the amazing scenes as part of story telling but story telling but at the same time as one piece sometimes it feels bit disconnected in some manner, I was excpecting more action and properly stitched events it has very creative aproach, but that sparks as events than as a movie, overall its nice one time watch but it shattered my plan of putting into my all time movie library of movies which I can watch on any random day.

Promised so much but didn’t deliver

Some of my favourite films of recent years are Nobody, Extraction, John Wicks and even Polar, so I was looking forward to watching this.

First the good bits:

-Story was OK, nice to mix it in with excluded and socio-economic divided groups in India. Nothing amazing/original here and it had some holes.

-Acting was perfunctory, nothing stand out great and nothing atrocious.

-Violence, on occasion there was some well shot satisfying violence.

Now the bad bits:

-All of the unrelenting shaky cam, absolutely no need for all of it. I almost walked out in the second act because of it and I’ve never walked out of a cinema. They tried to do longer type shots for the action especially in the final act with less shaky cam, but still not shot well.

-Really, really too many out of focus shots, either the cameraman was really inexperienced or they had too much really bad stylistic advice. Really distracting and really frustrating (just like my overuse of “really”)

-Almost constant poor framing of shots. Nothing was easy to watch and fortunately once shot every few minutes was OK to give my eyes a rest. Not sure if they bothered checking the cinematographer’s CV before they hired him. Surely they had one, right?

-The action, I love action films especially gritty, realistic, violent ones where the choreography has to be sharp and flow. This wasn’t bad by any means but completely forgettable and shot appallingly compared to any of the films mentioned above. Dev Patel was OK, but a couple of times he was waiting for a punch and just out of the rhythm of it.

All in all a disappointing film and a waste of the price of the cinema.

Masked Avengers (1981) Thu, 02 May 2024 10:22:20 +0000 Masked Avengers (1981) Read More »

  • Year: 1981
  • Released: 01 Dec 1982
  • Country: Hong Kong
  • Adwords: N/A
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: Mandarin
  • MPA Rating: R
  • Genre: Action, Drama
  • Runtime: 92 min
  • Writer: Cheh Chang, Kuang Ni
  • Director: Cheh Chang
  • Cast: Phillip Chung-Fung Kwok, Siu-Ho Chin, Sheng Chiang
  • Keywords: martial arts, kung fu, revenge, murder mystery,
69% – Critics
false% – Audience

Masked Avengers Storyline

Of all the “Venom” movies, this one stands out as perhaps the most chilling. Masked killers are wreaking havoc and instilling terror with their vicious weapons of choice: razor-sharp, gut-shattering tridents. Only three fearless fighters dare investigate, leading to mass murder and magnificent martial arts.—Celestial Pictures

Masked Avengers Photos

Masked Avengers Torrents Download

720pbluray835.34 MBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:3806D304B94AD81E814B3D408CEB29FB46F6B910
1080pbluray1.51 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:5E765FF91947C1785407B4F056E6A3162708A6E5

Masked Avengers Subtitles Download

Arabic subtitle Masked.Avengers.1981.720p.WEB-DL.Dual.Audio.AAC2.0.H264-MiNT

Masked Avengers Movie Reviews

Another winner from the Venoms team

MASKED AVENGERS is a kung fu mystery from director Chang Cheh, and another winning production from the splendid team at Shaw Brothers. This one’s a Venom movie that deliberately harks back to FIVE DEADLY VENOMS, with a gang of bad guys going around committing brutal murders and hiding behind ornate masks. The heroes of the film, led by an unusually serious Chiang Sheng, do their best to work out the identity of the bad guys, which any Venom fan will guess from the outset.

This is the typically action-packed production which excels both in terms of plot and drama, and features some great and bloody bouts to boot. The emphasis is on trident fighting here, and things build to a wonderful brawl in a booby-trapped temple, featuring all manner of physics-defying mayhem and the like. Phillip Kwok is very good value as the mysterious waiter while Lu Feng remains at the top of his game. It’s a pity that Sun Chien and Lo Meng are missing, but Wang Li does show up, and the film is so much fun that you don’t miss the Venoms who aren’t present.

Eat your heart out Iron Man.

If your knowledge of Avengers movies begins and ends with the exploits of Captain America and company, you really should check out The Masked Avengers: they haven’t got ‘superpowers’ as such, but their moves are just as awesome, and all executed without the aid of millions of dollars of CGI.

The film follows a group of highly trained martial artists dedicated to hunting down a gang of vicious masked killers for hire whose weapon of choice is the trident. After tracking the masked assassins to the town of Jingyang, the brave fighters find themselves attacked and killed one-by-one. Will they uncover the identities of the gang’s three leaders (whose golden masks come with fancy coloured beards) and make them pay before it is too late? Of course they will…

To be honest, there are just a few too many very similar characters to keep track of to make this a wholly satisfying martial arts classic, but with so much impressive kung fu, and lots of bright red blood (gory impalements and slashing aplenty), the film still qualifies as an essential slice of Shaw Brothers chop-socky madness.

After much mystery and murderous martial arts mayhem, the whole thing boils down to an absolutely stunning showdown between the baddies and the surviving good guys (who get a little help from an ex-leader of the gang turned hero, played by Philip Kwok), the fantastic finale taking place at the villains’ booby trapped temple, which comes equipped with acid jets, arrow traps, and deadly spiked doors.

Wushu meets Slaughterhouse

Masked Killers is a far better title for this movie than Masked Avengers. Avenging means to seek revenge for a wrong done, be it murder of a family member, friend, Shifu etc or shame of a female important to you, et al. I am not sure what the Masked gang in this movie are avenging. I definitely know they do it in an extremely bloody manner. If you’re into Slaughterhouse style movies, this one should be on your to watch list. If not, might I suggest The Cripple Avengers instead. Less blood and plenty of fighting.

Qi Shanyun’s (Chiang Sheng – my fave Venom) students are dropping like flies at the hands of a local gang who conceal their identity using masks someone got out of the clearance bin after Halloween. Qi follows the trail of dead students to a small town. He brings with him the remaining students to help investigate the deaths. They encounter Gao Yao (Phillip Kwok Chun-Fung – my 2nd Fave Venom), who does his best to conceal his Wushu skills.

Qi’s 2nd senior student Zeng Jun (Chin Siu-Ho) quickly befriends Gao, despite other students disdain for him. Zeng senses Gao knows something is amiss in the town, but refuses to say what. Qi feels he knows who’s involved with the gang, but his suspicions are at odds with the evidence in front of him. His students continue to die at the hands of the Masked Gang as Qi and his students get closer to the truth.

The Masked Gang use Buddhas and devices similar to the Iron Maiden to crush victims they bring back to their base. Others are stabbed with tridents on long poles. Gao saves Zeng and two other students from an ambush at the inn by seeming to accidentally help. This seals Zeng’s belief that Gao is one of the good guys.

Qi’s main suspects Ling Yunzi (Lu Feng) and Fang Zuguang (Wong Lik) are near him during the time a few students are killed. One student manages to rip the mask off a Masked Gang Leaders face, but dies before he can tell anyone who it is. Qi’s eldest senior student Liang Rong (Chu Ko) is adamant Gao is the Leader of the Masked Gang and the killer of the students, despite Zeng’s assurances otherwise.

Zeng overhears two of the Masked Gang Leaders speaking with Gao, whom the leaders suspect is their missing third leader. None of the Leaders knew they others as they always wore masks. Which makes me wonder how everyone was recruited. The two remaining leaders search for evidence he is whom they seek, but are unable to find it. Liang Rong does likewise when trying to convince Qi of Goa’s identity. Zeng admits he moved the evidence because he knows Gao is good.

Zeng goes to Gao to convince him that he needs to help fight the gang with Qi and the others. Gao refuses and explains his reasoning. He wishes Zeng well and departs for places unknown. Zeng is confronted by The two known Masked Gang Leaders and the new 3rd Leader. Zeng does his best to stand his ground but the three are too much for him. He tells two of the leaders their identities (Ling Yunzi and Fang Zuguang), but admits he isn’t sure about the third. He breaks the 3rd leaders mask to reveal it is fellow student Liang Rong. Zeng is left for dead pinned to a tree.

Gao overhears two men walking passed about the man pinned to the tree. Zeng reveals Liang’s identity to Gao before dying. Gao enters the inn as Liang is once more trying to convince Qi that Gao is the real killer. Gao announces Zeng told him who the three leaders were and points out Liang as one of them. Liang keeps saying Zeng is dead and therefore cannot speak about who the leaders are. Gao reminds Liang that no one said Zeng was dead or how he died. Liang is the one who seems to know what happened.

The final fight reminds me of the fight at the end off The Crippled Avengers. Lu Sheng fights against Phillip and Chiang in nearly the same manner in both films. The bloodiness aside, this wasn’t a bad film, even if two of the Five Venoms were absent. I gave it a 6 due to the overly bloody scenes. Quentin Tarantino would love this movie.

Tigers on the Rise (2024) Thu, 02 May 2024 10:22:06 +0000 Tigers on the Rise (2024) Read More »

false% – Audience

Tigers on the Rise Storyline

Celebrates the remarkable comeback of one of the world’s most iconic animals. Tiger populations have rebounded so successfully, many of the big cats are venturing from India’s forest reserves into farms and villages-a monumental challenge for both people and animals. The heroes in this story are the vets, scientists, and community patrols dedicated to ensuring that tigers and people can coexist.

Tigers on the Rise Photos

Tigers on the Rise Torrents Download

720pweb711.92 MBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:8A19E0E256A4FDA44FE4CC28D3884F899117FA0D
1080pweb1.43 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:23394A4683157F9818B45863790F2B65D742AF7F

Tigers on the Rise Subtitles Download

Arabic subtitle Tigers.On.The.Rise.2024.2160p.DSNP.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.DV.HDR.H.265-FLUX
Brazillian Portuguese subtitle Tigers.On.The.Rise.2024.WEB.H264-RBB
Chinese BG code subtitle Tigers.On.The.Rise.2024.WEB.H264-RBB
Czech subtitle Tigers.On.The.Rise.2024.WEB.H264-RBB
Danish subtitle Tigers.On.The.Rise.2024.WEB.H264-RBB
Dutch subtitle Tigers.On.The.Rise.2024.WEB.H264-RBB
Finnish subtitle Tigers.On.The.Rise.2024.WEB.H264-RBB
French subtitle Tigers.On.The.Rise.2024.WEB.H264-RBB
German subtitle Tigers.On.The.Rise.2024.WEB.H264-RBB
Greek subtitle Tigers.On.The.Rise.2024.WEB.H264-RBB
Hebrew subtitle Tigers.On.The.Rise.2024.1080p.WEBRip.x264.AAC5.1-
Hungarian subtitle Tigers.On.The.Rise.2024.WEB.H264-RBB
Indonesian subtitle Tigers.on.the.Rise.2024.DSNP.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264-FLUX
Indonesian subtitle Tigers-on-the-Rise-2024-WEBRip-DSN+
Italian subtitle Tigers.On.The.Rise.2024.WEB.H264-RBB
Japanese subtitle Tigers.On.The.Rise.2024.WEB.H264-RBB
Korean subtitle Tigers.On.The.Rise.2024.WEB.H264-RBB
Norwegian subtitle Tigers.On.The.Rise.2024.WEB.H264-RBB
Polish subtitle Tigers.On.The.Rise.2024.WEB.H264-RBB
Portuguese subtitle Tigers.On.The.Rise.2024.WEB.H264-RBB
Romanian subtitle Tigers.On.The.Rise.2024.WEB.H264-RBB
Slovak subtitle Tigers.On.The.Rise.2024.WEB.H264-RBB
Spanish subtitle Tigers.On.The.Rise.2024.WEB.H264-RBB
Spanish subtitle Tigers.On.The.Rise.2024.WEB.H264-RBB
Swedish subtitle Tigers.On.The.Rise.2024.WEB.H264-RBB
Turkish subtitle Tigers.On.The.Rise.2024.WEB.H264-RBB

Tigers on the Rise Movie Reviews

Ghost in the Shell: Arise – Pyrophoric Cult (2015) Thu, 02 May 2024 10:21:05 +0000 Ghost in the Shell: Arise – Pyrophoric Cult (2015) Read More »


Ghost in the Shell: Arise – Pyrophoric Cult Storyline

The broker-and perhaps creator-of the memory-altering virus comes to Japan and uses the virus to bring down an entire airline, killing all those aboard. The Major and her team set up a sting to capture the so-called “Pyromania,” only to discover he may just be yet another pawn in the whole Fire Starter debacle.

Ghost in the Shell: Arise – Pyrophoric Cult Photos

Ghost in the Shell: Arise – Pyrophoric Cult Torrents Download

720pbluray425.2 MBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:52F2386117CAD89E60CD4AD351481A3E73C6FB10
1080pbluray871.46 MBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:753C595FAC0E3F56E40E1ED85CF56EBE716A555C

Ghost in the Shell: Arise – Pyrophoric Cult Subtitles Download

Ghost in the Shell: Arise – Pyrophoric Cult Movie Reviews

In the Line of Duty: The F.B.I. Murders (1988) Thu, 02 May 2024 10:20:54 +0000 In the Line of Duty: The F.B.I. Murders (1988) Read More »


In the Line of Duty: The F.B.I. Murders Storyline

Florida 1985: A series of brutal robberies and murders keeps the F.B.I busy. Although all crimes seem to be comitted by the same group, they can’t hunt them down. The experienced officer Ben Grogan and his youngest colleague Gordon finally have to rely on their luck when they set up a trap. The chase results in a massacre…—Tom Zoerner

In the Line of Duty: The F.B.I. Murders Photos

In the Line of Duty: The F.B.I. Murders Torrents Download

720pweb882.63 MBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:2C4BCC75738E12588BE9796C173086D47565E009

In the Line of Duty: The F.B.I. Murders Subtitles Download

In the Line of Duty: The F.B.I. Murders Movie Reviews

Above-Line TV Movie

Liberally based on true events surrounding a mid-80’s F.B.I.

investigation and notorious apprehension attempt of a pair of

murderous, military-styled bank-robbers, IN THE LINE OF DUTY:

THE F.B.I. MURDERS (1988) is well-scripted, beautifully acted,

and superbly directed. The pacing and tension build up perfectly

as the two story-lines –– one involving the F.B.I. team diligently

working its way through the case, the other showing the harsh

criminal viewpoint –– mesh together with ever-tightening switch- ups until the dramatic and bloody climax. Nothing feels forced or

out of place, and nothing seems missing. Just solid story-telling

and top-notch drama from beginning to end.

It’s largely the casting which plays such a huge role in determining

the quality of this picture, in my opinion. With screen veterans

Ronny Cox, as senior agent Ben “The Grinch” Grogan, and David

Soul, as the sadistically deadly robber Michael Lee Platt, you have

both sides of a very truthful and convincing acting team

represented. Add to that Bruce Greenwood, as the rookie agent,

his ex-“Knot’s Landing” compatriot Doug Sheehan, as another

hard-driven and concerned field-agent, and a plethora of other

lesser-known but equally skilled actors and you have a solid cast.

But the most notable and electrifying performance turned in is in

the surprisingly cold and delivered performance by Michael Gross,

as fellow killer William Russell Matix. Here Gross completely

sheds the compassionate, intelligent and endearing character

traits so well-portrayed with his much-loved character Steven

Keaton on the TV series “Family Ties”, and gives a completely

inner-defined and chilling turn as a contradictory bible-thumping/

womanizing, murderer and bank-robbing degenerate. Shocking

and terribly engaging all in one. The film pulls few punches with

regards to violence throughout –– the final “take-down” scene is

surely one of the most graphic and bloody ever shot for

mainstream audiences, even by today’s standards I’d wager ––

but it never comes across as exploitive. The story is always the

main focus of the film and for THAT reason it succeeds; it’s simply

a good, engaging story that needed to be told.

I first saw this made-for-TV movie on it’s original network television

airing and was extremely impressed. Now, 15 years later, I still

hold it in high regard (with only the cars and the synth-driven

soundtrack music really adding any dating to the picture at all).

Unfortunately, IN THE LINE OF DUTY: THE F.B.I. MURDERS, has

long since been out-of-print on VHS, and rarely turns up on TV. For

those lucky enough to come across it I whole-heartedly

recommend it.

7/10. A made-for-TV movie that succeeds in being more!


This true story of a armed team of robber/murders hunted by law enforcement which resulted in the most deadly shootout in FBI history and the most studied armed incident after the Kennedy assassination was well told and intense .Michael Lee Platt and William Matix seemed to have split personalities that the chemistry of the two of them together ignited into explosions of violence and murder .Both ex-military , high combat proficency and they practiced their marksmanship regularly , making for a particularly dangerous duo .Platt in particular was amazing I wouldn’t want to go up against him , he seemed to be a born assassin . Add to that their kamikaze attitude and their attempted capture was ripe for disaster .The FBI only adds to this with bad decisions on site , before and during , however their motives were as lofty as they come .They were trying to protect the public . One wishes they were able to make better choices because they were good men (Grogan and Dove )but the film is intense and worth seeing , all the more so because most of it is true .

Finally Out On DVD

Finally out on DVD, fans of true crime dramas and action films will really enjoy this 1988 made-for-television production. Based on actual events in Miami, Florida (I’m not sure how embellished), “In the Line of Duty: The FBI Murders concerns a pair of military trained bank- robbers and the FBI task force who attempted to identify and apprehend them. This is a far cry from the fictional movies that attempt to glorify G-Men or violent criminals.

Both sides are portrayed in their real life bumbling glory as the robbers act stupidly and recklessly and the task force basically stumbles into them and is ill prepared for the confrontation. But this makes the story quite fascinating and if you connect with it you will probably want to watch it several times.

The film is structured as two parallel stories and what suspense there is stems from the viewers knowledge that the two stories will eventually intersect with each other, you just don’t know how or when it will occur.

The strength of the film (besides its real life feel) is the characterization of the two robbers, played by David Soul and Michael Gross. Although their backgrounds are fragmentary, it appears that they bring out the worst in each other and their crime spree continues more for the adrenaline rush it provides. They begin to really get off on the violence and power, their crimes are almost random which tends to work in their favor as the investigation can find little logic or pattern behind their activities.

The film’s weakness is the parallel story of the task force. This was a far cry from a cerebral Sherlock Holmes type investigation so you eagerly wait for them to cut back to Soul and Grace. The characterizations are generally shallow and weak so almost all viewers will end up identifying with the two criminals; even though they have a lot of mad dog qualities. Doug Sheehan is quite effective as the task force commander but Bruce Greenwood and Ronny Cox (rookie paired with veteran) are painful to watch.

The violent climax is worth waiting for, although the violence is in real time, the confrontation has the slow-mo feel of a Sam Peckinpah production.

Then again, what do I know? I’m only a child.

Evil Does Not Exist (2023) Sat, 20 Apr 2024 07:53:41 +0000 Evil Does Not Exist (2023) Read More »

  • Year: 2023
  • Released: 26 Apr 2024
  • Country: Japan
  • Adwords: 11 wins & 14 nominations
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: Japanese
  • MPA Rating: N/A
  • Genre: Drama
  • Runtime: 106 min
  • Writer: Ryûsuke Hamaguchi, Eiko Ishibashi
  • Director: Ryûsuke Hamaguchi
  • Cast: Hitoshi Omika, Ryô Nishikawa, Ryûji Kosaka
  • Keywords: winter, village, multiple perspectives, urbanism, father daughter relationship,
false% – Audience

Evil Does Not Exist Storyline

Takumi and his daughter Hana live in Mizubiki Village, close to Tokyo. One day, the village inhabitants become aware of a plan to build a camping site near Takumi’s house offering city residents a comfortable “escape” to nature.

Evil Does Not Exist Photos

Evil Does Not Exist Torrents Download

720pbluray979.29 MBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:40A4A4C4983E88843485052052D06014F403115B
1080pbluray1.97 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:54E8BD7E2611A152B6A8A2C2B2450662C19AADCA

Evil Does Not Exist Subtitles Download

Arabic subtitle Evil.Does.Not.Exist.2023.Bluray.720P.FHC.NZR
English subtitle Il.Male.Non.Esiste.2023.iTA-JAP.Bluray.1080p.x264-CYBER
English subtitle Evil.Does.Not.Exist.2023.Repack.BluRay.Remux.1080p.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-BeerGAS
Farsi/Persian subtitle Evil.Does.Not.Exist.2023.BluRay.720p.FHC
Farsi/Persian subtitle Evil.Does.Not.Exist.2023.BluRay.720p.FHC
Farsi/Persian subtitle Evil.Does.Not.Exist.2023.Repack.BluRay.Remux.1080p.AVC.DTS-HD.MA.5.1-BeerGAS
French subtitle Evil.Does.Not.Exist.2023BluRay.1080p.x264.DTS
Indonesian subtitle Evil-Does-Not-Exist-2023-BluRay
Indonesian subtitle
Korean subtitle Aku.wa.sonzai.shinai.2023.AKA.Evil.Does.Not.Exist.1080p.BluRay.AC3.x264.HORiZON-ArtSubs

Evil Does Not Exist Movie Reviews

A different take on the man vs. nature conflict

“Balance is key.”

On a technical level, the film is flawless, but story wise it needed a little more work. I particularly loved how Hamaguchi incorporates ‘pillow-shots’ in his film. ‘Pillow-shots’ have a de-centering effect when the camera focuses for a moment, often a long one, on some inanimate aspect of man’s environment. It perfectly captures the stillness of the scene, making for a calm and soothing viewing experience. While watching the movie, it becomes apparent that Ryusuke Hamaguchi was inspired by Yasujiro Ozu’s signature style. The film touches upon the man vs. Nature conflict through a different lens. The ending of the film will surely leave the audience speechless and in disarray. It will prompt conversations way after the credits. To sum up: stylistically the film is a 10, but story wise it’s a 7. And don’t get me started on the film’s atmospheric score that transports the viewer to the beautiful Japanese countryside (aka ‘inaka’).

Final verdict: 7.5/10.

Glamping it up

The opening shot is mesmerising, disorientating, as Yoshio Kitagawa’s camera pans under the tree tops to Eiko Ishibashi’s haunting score. The start of Ryusuke Hamaguchi’s “Evil Does Not Exist” reminds of Bela Tarr’s “Satantango” (1994), with a slow-moving, natural, extended take. Not as extreme, but it sets the tone for what comes next.

Mizubiki village is a quiet mountain town a manageable drive from Tokyo. A minor holiday destination, investors want to set-up a glamping site, which naturally meets resistance from the locals. Takumi (Hitoshi Omika), a local odd-job man is cautious, but willing to meet the proposals halfway if they take the local environment into consideration.

Takahashi (Ryuji Kosaka) and Mayuzumi (Ayaka Shibutani) are the employees tasked with meeting the locals and convincing them of the project. Sympathetic to their hosts, they are people doing a job they don’t necessarily believe in, and so are neither one thing or the other. Seeming to connect with Takumi, they feel a solution can be reached, but the reality is they are met with contempt from both sides.

Straightaway this enraptures you and you are immediately drawn into the small village and its humble ways. The brilliance of nature is emphasised throughout, and the opening moments show this perfectly. And as Takahashi and Mayuzumi try to deliver the initial presentation, key members of the community voice the importance of the environment on their health, community, work and business.

The last of these is the only focus the glamping project has in mind, thinking of the pretty landscape, and not the impact a modern resort will have on it. As Alex Kerr emphasises in his book “Hidden Japan,” once you have been somewhere, you’ve already ruined it. The village elder (Taijiro Tamura) puts his point across succinctly: those living upstream must think of their impact on those downstream.

Often, I’ve found Hamaguchi’s films, while good, can feel a little awkward. Characters and their interactions can feel wooden (perhaps due to his use of novice actors) and their motivations hard to grasp. “Drive My Car” (2021) was a step-up for him, and “Evil Does Not Exist” is by far his strongest in its script. It feels tighter, with arguments better put forward, in both the initial presentation and Takahashi and Mayuzumi’s drive back to the village, where they share their career decisions. It is much more natural, though Takahashi’s sudden desire to change careers may be a bit much for some.

Takumi’s daughter Hana (Ryo Nishikawa) is a key character, but perhaps from the standard use of a young girl to represent pure innocence. The true star of the film is the forest of its setting and the film’s true lasting memory, working in unison with the soundtrack.

The title of the film is enigmatic, as is the atmosphere throughout. The isolation of the forest community, and their connection to nature, show an innocence. But clear in their desires, they show they will fight to keep what’s theirs. Takahashi and Mayuzumi may be the face of the more sinister corporate body behind them, but also show themselves to be useless pawns, simply carrying out their job.

Is simple self-sufficiency more noble than misguidedly following orders from above for profits? The ending confuses this question, its incompleteness difficult to process. The real question is whether it is better to do bad to protect what you believe in, rather than trying to diplomatically do something you don’t believe in out of expectation. Silence is complicit.

The forest is deep, and it’s easy to lose yourself.

We all act either following our interests or our instincts.

I believe the film’s pace is key in reading the film. The long shots, the nature, sunsets freezes the time, even the spectator’s, whom will happily immerse into for the beauty incapsulated in each frame. This beauty, slow camera movement makes the abrupt cuts of scenes and music even more drastic. Quite unusual for this type of film. And from moment one that must have had some meaning. The answer only arrives at the very end, which you won’t perceive as such, since the time distortion makes the viewer believe we’re still in the middle of the plot, and then again the film cuts. Leaving us with questions and answers: “a wild deer never attacks, unless defending cubs or when hurt”. And this explains the title too: all man live in between the shades of black and white, evil and good. We all act either following our interests or our instincts.

She Said Boom: The Story of Fifth Column (2012) Sat, 20 Apr 2024 07:53:31 +0000 She Said Boom: The Story of Fifth Column (2012) Read More »


She Said Boom: The Story of Fifth Column Storyline

She Said Boom: The Story Of Fifth Column is the story of a group of young female artists in the early eighties. They used music, film, and self publication to defy conventions of art practise, gender ideas, and femininity. These endeavors snowballed into global art and political movements and subcultures. This film looks at their work, and explores why you may not have heard of them, despite their impact.—Anonymous

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She Said Boom: The Story of Fifth Column Torrents Download

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1080pweb1.07 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:89DC94D6EB9D8D662E2D4F18532FFA23C7D08348

She Said Boom: The Story of Fifth Column Subtitles Download

She Said Boom: The Story of Fifth Column Movie Reviews

Riddle of Fire (2023) Sun, 14 Apr 2024 07:58:26 +0000 Riddle of Fire (2023) Read More »

  • Year: 2023
  • Released: 17 Apr 2024
  • Country: United States
  • Adwords: 6 wins & 6 nominations
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p, 1080p
  • Language: English
  • MPA Rating: PG-13
  • Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy
  • Runtime: 113 min
  • Writer: Weston Razooli
  • Director: Weston Razooli
  • Cast: Lio Tipton, Charles Halford, Danielle Hoetmer
  • Keywords:
82% – Critics
95% – Audience

Riddle of Fire Storyline

-SPOILERS-Three children, Alice, Hazel, and Jodie, pull off a heist to steal a new video game console from a warehouse. When they find their TV has been password locked by Hazel and Jodie’s sick mom, they agree to bring her a blueberry pie in return for the password and two hours of playing time.After finding the bakery out of pies, and eventually prying the recipe from the baker who is home with a fever, the kids proceed to “borrow” all the ingredients from the local supermarket, only to have a man, John Redrye, steal the final ingredient they need (an egg, speckled for good luck).They track the man back to his cabin where he reunites with the Enchanted Blade Gang, a group of poachers and taxidermists led as a magic cult by their leader, Anna-Freya.When the kids attempt to steal back the eggs from Redrye’s truck, they are almost found out and obliged to hide in bed of the truck, going to the mountain for the gang’s attempt to bag the Prince of the Mountain, a giant elk Anna-Freya is obsessed with killing. Unbeknownst to all of them, Anna-Freya’s young daughter Petal has also stowed away, desperate for a chance to spend time with her mother.In the mountains with no way home, the kids decide to track the gang and steal back the eggs. Eventually teaming up with Petal, they succeed in distracting the gang and finding the eggs, only for Hazel to succumb to hunger and a bottle of liquor, cracking and frying the remaining eggs in the night of the night.Once the gang learns of the kids, and moreso learns that they know they are poachers, they abandon their hunt for the elk and focus on detaining the kids, presumably with the intention of killing them, especially in Redrye’s case. The chase takes them to a local bar in town where Petal knows a chicken who lays speckled eggs is.The owner of the chicken offers the egg for $30, and when they kids can’t pay he makes them dance for him and his friends (at this point it is 4am). The dance is fun and joyful and the kids expect the egg in return, only to be told the price has changed to $100. They kick him in the crotch and steal the egg, only to be caught by the bar patrons, who intend to beat them up, only for the Enchanted Blade Gang to show up and fight the bar patrons.When the Enchanted Blades win the fight, Anna-Freya tells them they took everything from her that night. They kids tell them they only wanted the egg, and Marty (played by the director and writer, Weston Razooli) clumsily drops the egg and it shatters on the floor. Anna-Freya threatens to bite off the children’s fingers, but before she can, Petal disarms Marty and Hazel uses the gun to force their escape.Unfortunately, the police have been tipped off that the kids who stole the game console from the warehouse are at the bar, and they catch the kids before they can escape. Before they are driven away, they point out the poachers to the police, and as the police are arresting the Enchanted Blades Gang, Petal frees them from the police cruiser and they escape.Back home, Petal reveals she stole another egg from the chicken, and the kids enthusiastically bake the pie for their sick mom. She eats the pie, welcomes Petal into their house, and finally gives the TV password to the kids, who sit down and play their game surrounded by a feast.

Riddle of Fire Photos

Riddle of Fire Torrents Download

720pweb1.03 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:881B0D34AC16E778BE4F7C756AC9653D918899AE
1080pweb2.11 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:31EBDB147C37EFD312B3BFEBAAD27E615AF5845E
1080pweb1.91 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:482014285A8CA141690878CCF256D09AD539491D

Riddle of Fire Subtitles Download

English subtitle Riddle.of.Fire.2023.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264
English subtitle Riddle.of.Fire.2023.1080p.AMZN.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.H.264

Riddle of Fire Movie Reviews


Make no mistake, this is not great movie-making, and with that caveat out of the way, we shall proceed.

With many elements to love – precocious kids on motorbikes wielding paint guns outsmarting buffoonering adults – this bizarre, amateur school play of a movie does spin a yarn of charm that is undeniable. Forget the Swiss cheese plot, just crawl through the holes and enjoy the potty-mouthed kids as they serve up some whoopass comeuppance on the elderly fools that dare stand in their quest to fulfill a blueberry pie recipe for their ailing mother – bed ridden, with what seems to be just a common cold and a strange craving for pie. Once they deliver, she will hand over the password for their television so’s they can play their favourite video game. Uh, yeah. Again, the plot is the weak link here, and frankly it seems to be deliberately childish. Like kids came up with this tall tale!

Shot in washed out and grainy 16mm film, this nails the eighties, which may or may not be reason to celebrate. Certainly not for the masses, this does have enough offbeat appeal to enjoy cult status, especially if mind-altering substances are involved. Perhaps one of those giant sugary sodas.

Much like someone you knew growing up, there is a kid with a fast and hard to follow slurry speech pattern. Brilliant solution: subtitles. No need for recasting or dubbing. If only life were so easy. “Riddle of Fire” is one crackpot movie that somehow captures the free-wheeling unbridled innocence of brash youth on a summery day epic adventure, when life was indeed easy. Nice and easy. And super weird.

  • hipCRANK.

Refreshing & Heartfelt

It’s midnight hr in Toronto, as the lights dimmed and the audience settled in their seats, an immediate sense of excitement filled the air. Little did we know that we were about to embark on a heartwarming journey that would touch our souls and bring so much joy.

Director Weston Razooli is a superb storyteller, and this movie is a cinematic gem that transcends the boundaries of time and place to deliver a beautiful message about friendship, love & happy childhoods. Oh, to be a kid again!

In an age where films are typically more animated and characters are somewhat inhuman, “Riddle of fire” stands as a testament to the enduring power of storytelling and the human connection creating so much joy watching it. It’s a film that reminds us of the importance of love, music (the scene with ‘baby come back’ had us all dancing), and the connections we share with one another.

Don’t miss the opportunity to experience this touching masterpiece; it’s a symphony of pure joy you won’t soon forget.

Our children deserve more films like this. A new classic is born!

Soon to be classic movie

No one makes kids movies like this anymore. The only kid’s movies you see made nowadays are animated. This movie just makes you leave the theater with a smile on your face. Beautiful on the big screen especially the night scenes, even more impressive knowing this is probably not a big budget film. Can’t wait to see it in the US theaters. Gorgeous cinematography using authentic 16 mm film.

This takes you back in time with its nostalgic feel. This film is on the lines of Stand by me and Goonies.

The dance scene is memorable playing the favorite “Baby Come Back”.

You can’t go wrong when you Colby any kids movie with dirt bikes, paintball guns, and a classic bad guy in big John Redeye.

Pure O (2023) Sun, 14 Apr 2024 07:58:23 +0000 Pure O (2023) Read More »

  • Year: 2023
  • Released: 13 Mar 2023
  • Country: United States
  • Adwords: 1 nomination
  • IMDb:
  • Rotten Tomatoes:
  • Metacritics:
  • Available in: 720p, 1080p,
  • Language: English
  • MPA Rating: N/A
  • Genre: Drama
  • Runtime: 116 min
  • Writer: Dillon Tucker
  • Director: Dillon Tucker
  • Cast: Daniel Dorr, Hope Lauren, Landry Bender
  • Keywords:

Pure O Photos

Pure O Torrents Download

720pweb1.06 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:F544298A0E49C55DC8F252330D80442F8CEE133A
1080pweb2.18 GBmagnet:?xt=urn:btih:0DBC5349E6B6BF3C99CAF28403C5DE8D9D19E6B1

Pure O Subtitles Download

English subtitle Pure.O.2023.WEB.H264-RBB
English subtitle Pure.O.2023.WEB.H264-RBB

Pure O Movie Reviews
